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Thursday, October 9, 2003
Finally, fall break. After nine weeks of backbreaking work, almost impossible deadlines, and, worst of all, missing Inuyasha, I can do nothing for a week but lay around, play Zelda, and site revamps. I'm torn between X and Angel Sanctuary, so I'll do what politicians do in this situation- flip a coin. Hoo yeah... Well, I got tails, which means *dum dum dum dum* X! I may do Angel Sancutary as a theme a bit later. ^^ For those of you that don't know what X is, I'll give you the rundown. Basically, it's about the apocalypse and the role two groups of people play in it. One group wants to destroy and rebuild Earth because of human corruption or something. The other group wishes to save the world from the apocalypse and spare the people. They are known as The Dragons of Earth and The Dragons of Heaven (I'm not sure which is which ^.^;;). Simple, huh? Not really. You see, there is this boy, Kamui, who has yet to choose his standing on the apocalypse. Once he picks a side, it will tip the scales toward either destroying or saving earth. Add in childhood friends Fuma and Kotori (who seem to have a role in this all) and a blind, deaf, dumb, and lame psychic mind-reader-type girl and you have X. That's the basics, I guess. I haven't seen too much of it, so I don't know a lot.
Another good point to fall break is that these entries may (dare I say it?) MAKE SENSE!! Or at least partial sense because I will get more than five to six hours of sleep at night.
Anyway, not much else to say. The revamp will probably take place sometime this weekend.
Ja ne!
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Sunday, October 5, 2003
Ohayo, minna-san! Not much happened today, owing to the fact that I just stayed in bed most of the day, barely leaving my room, while watching some funky non-anime cartoon and wondering whether it would be better to get up or just stay there. I did manage to read the comics in the newspaper today. Afterwards, I opened an ad and saw a Gameboy-type system, but it doubles as an FM radio a cell phone, and a MP3 player. What I want to know is: What if you want to use them all at the same time? And I thought cell phones were annoying before, but now people are going to walk around with these things blaring, aside from the annoying rings people seem to like so much. I was at the art show yesterday and there was this boy walking around, playing with the ringer on his cell phone. I also went into this store (which was a house from the 1900's) and saw this old woman talking about the address book in her cell phone to the store proprieter. I just thought that was a bit odd...
Oh, yeah, and my dog is addicted to pretzels. Anyone know a pretzel-lovers anonymous association? I always wondered why they call it Alcoholics Anonymous if you give them your name. And what if there are two Joes or something? Then what? Do you make one of them give you their last name? Yes, my mind is random and weird...
I beleive I'll cut my ramblings short today and leave you with my little icons I made last night.

What do you guys think? You all never told me whether or not you like the Angel Sanctuary idea. I've also been pondering about X as a theme instead of Angel Sanctuary. Any opinions? Thanks for the posts, guys! I'll be updating my repeated offenders in a few minutes. ^^
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Saturday, October 4, 2003
Death to the angst-monkies!!
Hey, everyone! I'm still alive and I've been making some site changes. This isn't the revamp, I was just bored. I found a way to upload my pictures now, so no worries! Thanks for the suggestions, though, Fartmaster745! Hope you all like the new picture! Sorry if it takes longer to download. ^^;; I tried to reduce the download time by restricting my posts to three per page. I've also decided the theme to my site revamp: Angel Sanctuary. How does that sound? I haven't seen the show, but the pictures look all angsty and dark. ^-^
By the way, thanks for all the congratulations. I went to the art festival today and got to see my art displayed for all to see. I mistakenly asked my mom if she was thinking of going to the festival. It came out of nowhere, so she got suspicious and began wondering why. Thus, I had to tell her before we went to the show. Oh, well... I also wandered around the vendors booths. They had some really cool looking art, including stained glass objects and a folding wooden basket that was carved from one piece of solid wood. It was really cool. ^^ The only gripe I had was that the drinks there were really expensive. Our sodas were twice as much money as they would be at the store. Rip off, ne? That shall not dampen my spirits, however. All in all, we had a ton of fun! ^____^
And I took a quiz. I keep getting different results for every Yu-Gi-Oh! character quiz I take. It goes between Yugi (which is what most responses say), Yami Bakura (okay, I think I was in an angsty mood when I took that one), and now Ryou! Whaat?! Am I bipolar or something? O.o
 Hey! You're Ryou Bakura - Hikari Form! You are a little clumsy and shy but you're really a nice person...or at least you try to be...
(Bully target =( !)
Which Yu-Gi-Oh! character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
That's acutally rather accurate. *trips* I don't get picked on, though, because I possess the...*dum dum dum* EVIL EYE! I just flash one in a bully's direction and they flee the evil. Or laugh. But, they leave me alone. ^^;;
Ja ne!
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Thursday, October 2, 2003
Do not question the stupid!
Gooday mates! I'm feeling much better today. I only had a brief headache after seventh period (I think it had something to do with the bus noises and fumes). I'm doing pretty good considering I didn't get a lot of sleep last night (managed to watch Inuyasha, though ^-^). My huge physics project is finally complete and looks spiffy. I also have some really good news: my pastel drawing that I did in art class is going to be in a local art show along with two other people in my class, both of which are my friends. I feel it is quite an honor. ^^ I might tell my parents, but maybe I can pursuade them to go without telling them about it. I want it to be a surprise.
Anyway, on to site-related things. The revamp may start (at its earliest) this weekend, though it is more likely that it will occur after next Friday. Speaking of the revamp, I need a theme. I was thinking of doing some spooky characters from various anime for Halloween and put a spiderweb background on my page. I was leaning toward Boogiepop and Witch Hunter Robin with maybe a deranged yami here and there. Any opinions or requests? I would really like some suggestions. ^^ Also, I've been receiving a lot of requests for html help. With some experimentation, I may be able to put some tutorials over my vacation. Don't worry if you already know html, I'll put a normal post or a quiz after my html tutorial so you don't get bored. ^-^ Any comments on the tutorials or site revamp would be greatly appreciated.
Well, that about covers it. I need to go and memorize my Spanish presentation. >.>
Dance, panda, dance!
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Tuesday, September 30, 2003
The insane otaku's brain goes poof!
Turns out I was much more stressed than I thought. I woke up this morning with a towering headache. It was almost to migraine level. I was in so much pain that I didn't go to school. Even though the pain subsided to a dull pounding, I didn't go because my school happens to be very noisy and I really didn't want to push myself. I'm feeling much better now, but there's still a bit of a dull pain in my head. Anyway, there isn't much else to say, so I'll leave you with some kewl links, quotes, and a picture to compensate for such a short, stupid post. ^^;;
Cool sites:
"You've left something in the far reaches of the grey sky,
and you keep on searching
as you wander.
In the night when your heart shook, and I can't see tomorrow
I can't believe anything, and close my ears.
When I met you, I found my true place in life.
An innocent kindness is right here.
And so we awaken..." -Change the World, Inuyasha

That's what my brain felt like this morning.
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Saturday, September 27, 2003
Killing time...literally
You are Kenshin!!"> Woo Hoo you are Himura Kenshin!
(With pics) What Rurouni Kenshin Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
"If you're strong, you live, if you're weak, you die."- Soujiro, RK
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Konrichiwa, minna-sama! I'm back and alive, more or less. I managed to survive my craptacular week. I also had a bit of a relevation. I've decided that I'd like to change the format of the site eventually. It'll probably occur somewhere in the vicinity of my fall break in mid-October. I would tell you what I'm doing, but a) I have no idea myself exactly what I want and b) I want it to be a bit of a surprise. ^^
Anyway, I'll be updating my Offenders list to accomidate some newbies. ^-^ The more the merrier! I also discovered a conspiricy surrounding my history textbook this afternoon. I was fully intent upon doing my reading/note-taking, but when I opened the book, all my energy got sucked out of me and I fell asleep for half an hour. I just gave up... I'll do it tomorrow. It must suck out our energy and transmit it to the teachers so they can be awake before dawn on school days. Bye bye youthful enthusiasm. Well, I don't think I have much else to comment on or conspire about, so I'll let y'all go. ^^

Are you getting dizzy, too?
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Wednesday, September 24, 2003
Do you ever have one of those days when it feels like everything that can go wrong does and even some things you didn't anticipate? Doesn't it feel like you're walking through a minefield of dog crap? Well, I'm covered in crap by this point. This is possibly the worst week I've had in awhile. I had a physics test Tuesday, turned in my lab late, and lost my wallet. And that was just physics class (I did get my wallet back today). There is, of course, the glee that is my two part history test consuming today and tommorrow plus the ultra-evil English vocab test tomorrow. Add a physics project, a potential essay and complete exhaustion and you have my weekend. On top of that, there is no anime club this week. NO ANIME CLUB!! This ought to be illegal. At least there's new Yugioh this weekend and I should be able to borrow Azumanga Daioh for the weekend (if I remember to ask ^^;;). Plus, fall break is in two weeks. One whole week of doing nothing but playing online and watching Inuyasha episodes I've missed. At least, that's what I'm planning. That is, of course, assuming I live until then. Or stay out of jail for murdering my teachers or hiring a hit Junior (I've found some interested ones, though ^^). Well, that's pretty much my pathetic life. I believe I'll go weep now.
Random quotes from weird people:
"Okay, so we're in hell..." -English teacher (referring to Dante's Inferno) Got that right...
"I schooled that test. That paper didn't know what hit it!" -Random friend (referring to our essay test in history).
"We're reading something that will tell us why we're all going to hell..." -English teacher (referring to Dante's Inferno)
"Curse you, Yugi Moto, curse you and your Kuriboh!" -Pegasus, Yu-Gi-Oh! (This just amused me to no end for some reason.)
Thanks for all the posts, guys! I got five !! FIVE!! That's a ton for me. Arigato! I'll try to get my Kenshin picture up this weekend (probably Friday). Love ya muchly!
I can relate. ^^
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Sunday, September 21, 2003
I felt like taking some quizzes. It'll keep you all occupied whilist I search for my sanity. That and I'm procrastinating on my physics homework. ^^ I really should squiggle my way to other places before I log off.

Which Cowboy Bebop character are you?
 You are a Silent Dreamer...
Some say your a freak, others say your very blunt, but the truth is your just misunderstood. You understand a lot more then you let on, but that doesn't stop you from letting them think what they want. Who cares? Your you, that's all thats importaint.
What kind of Dreamer are you? brought to you by Quizilla
"It would be nice if we could put away and throw out everything except what really mattered, but reality is just cruel." -Dearest, Inuyasha ending theme #3
Thanks for all the posts, guys! I still need a bit of help with the image uploading thing, though. I may join angelfire, but I don't have the time or patience right now. ^^;;
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Saturday, September 20, 2003
The insane otaku and the fast food adventure!
Hey everyone! You're probably wondering where the heck the Rurouni Kenshin theme is that I promised you. Well, I've hit a bit of a snag. You see, I found this really pretty picture for my table in my intro., but I have to upload it for myself and have no clue where I can go to upload it. If you guys can help, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks muchly!
Anyway, I had a little...adventure today. I went out into...the sunlight. Aghhh! The terror! That's not even the worst part. First, my family and I went to the store and pretty much just wandered, looking at the shiny objects and wondering why there was an urn filled with chocolate buscuit sticks (Hey, you get chocolate and storage for a dead family member. It's win-win!). Then, as we were all hungry, we went to a fast food joint. Big mistake. We walked in to a woman mopping the floor with this cleaner that smelled like public toilet (ewww...). Then, we made our way across the sticky floor of doom to order our food. The woman behind the counter kept screwing up our order until we eventually got an extra order of chicken nuggets and fries. Then, I noticed the fly trap stuck to the wall and got a little nervous. This was amplified when I found a dead bug in the empty soda cup as I was taking it to be filled at the soda fountain (I had to fill my own soda?! That's blasphemy for a lazy person!). Yah. We finally got my food. One sandwich and a box of large fries later, my mom decided to point out to me that the fries seemed undercooked. After I picked at a few more fries (one of which I twisted and watched the oil ooze out of the fry), I felt distinctly full and ill. Turns out, the food didn't sit well with my dad, my sister, and me (it must have been the beef because my mom ordered fish and was perfectly fine). Ph33r th3 b33f.
Yah. At least I'm better now, but now I can add fast food to my list of public terrors (public bathrooms still rank number one, though). Well, I probably won't be on tomorrow, so until next week, ja ne!
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