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Sunday, August 31, 2003

   Spiffy quizzes. ^^

As promised, I've returned with quizzes. ^^

Your Inuyasha! You are a punk, you like to pick
fights and hate being in school, your grades
are slipping but you don't care, you are having
to much fun to actually do anything about it!

What Inuyasha Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I love Inu-kun! ^^

Maki - "Truly Rare"
People of your personality type should visit:

What would your Japanese name be? (female)
brought to you by Quizilla

Unique...most people just say weird. ^^;

School Girl
You're A School Girl!
You may not get the best grades, but you'll always
be found sporting your sleek school uniform.
You've got school spirit, and lots of it!
Pocket PCs and Pocky can be found in your
backpack, and you love cute stuffed animals
like teddy bears and bunnies!

What Type Of Anime Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hey, it's a picture of Sakura. Remember: beware of Japanese schoolgirls, you never know if they have magical powers or not.


Which Card Captor Sakura Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are Sakura!
Wow! You are Sakura! You are cheerful, outgoing,
energetic, and cute! You are a cardcaptor, and
you are always tried your best and cheer people
up. You liked Syaoran more than anyone and
happy to be with him.

Which Card Captor Sakura Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

How can I be Sakura and Syaoran? Let's think on that for a moment...

the cutie
you are like yugi.kind, sweet,and helpful.
you would help anyone in need,and you care about
others. your favorite card is the black

what yu-gi-oh! character are you like?
brought to you by Quizilla

YAY! I always thought we were a lot alike. Especially after reading the manga. ^^



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   Why am I up so early?

Why am I up before 3PM? Erk. It's the weekend, I should be sleeping. Ah, well. I've got too much stuff to do anyway, I suppose. So, what have I been up to? Well, I went to the mall with my friends yesterday and we read mangas and ate some Japanese food (which is even funnier when we attempted it with chopsticks ^^). I bought some sugary Japanese confections as well, most of which were depleated by the end of the trip. ^^ Meh. That's all really. I'll come back with some quizzes. ^^

(Anime) hack//SIGN: Key of the Twilight (N/A)

Come with me in the twilight of a summer night for awhile
Tell me of a story never ever told in the past

Take me back to the land
Where my yearnings were born
The key to open the door is in your hand
Now fly me there

Fanatics find their heaven in never ending storming wind
Auguries of destruction be a lullaby for rebirth

Consolations, be there
In my dreamland to come
The key to open the door is in your hand
Now take me there

I believe in fantasies invisible to me
In the land of misery I'm searchin' for the sign
To the door of mystery and dignity
I'm wandering down, and searchin' down the secret sun

Come with me in the twilight of a summer night for awhile
Tell me of a story never ever told in the past

Take me back to the land
Where my yearnings were born
The key to open the door is in your hand
Now take me there
to the land of twilight

Contributed by Maria Antonescu

I forgot to mention that I saw .hack//sign and Rurouni Kenshin last night. Kenshin was awesome as usual, but .hack confused me to no end. o.O


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Saturday, August 30, 2003

   On a serious note...

I'm so sick of people being angsty. Boo hoo, my life sucks. TOO BAD! Then there are the suicide threats. Two of my friends have threatened suicide within the past two weeks. Yes, I am going to beat...er...I mean talk some sense into them or tell the school officials if that doesn't work. It's just COME ON! My life isn't all butterflies and Pocky, but I don't threaten suicide every two seconds. Geez! So, I wrote this a few hours ago. Maybe it will help someone.

Why would anyone want to leave this Earth? This world, thought horribly flawed, is beautiful. Seek joy and you will find it. Wallow in sorrow and the world will consume you. Death solves nothing. All the osrrow one must bear wil be born in the next world. Death merely causes sorrow and more agony that the people of this realm do not need. We are put on this Earth to improve our lives and the lives of others. If there were no obsticles, life would be pointless. Joy would be empty from being so easy to attain. One must forge his own joy and peace and spread the bounty to others. Thus, suicide is pointless. It saddens others and the joy once spread from person to person vanishes. Suicide is the coward's way out.

That's only part of what I wrote, but it is the most important part. I like to vent my rage. Hopefully, this helped or will help someone sometime. And remember: Don't hold it all in. Feel free to rant. I like rants. Go ahead. ^^ Vash and I don't like suicide and neither should you!

I am disgruntled.


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Sunday, August 24, 2003

   Greatest weekend ever!

Woo! I loveded my weekend. I got to go to anime club on Friday, where I viewed the kick-butt DN.Angel. Then, I went to the mall yesterday and I got to read (and later buy) the sixth Card Captor Sakura manga. I loved the ending. ^^ Then, I took a walk with my friend and we conspired, uh, I mean chatted. Then I got to see the tightness that is Rurouni Kenshin. Kenshin did this tight spinny-thing in midair and I was screaming "WOO! Do it again!" And he ended up taking off his shirt, which would make any fangirl drool (I did my whole blush-and-turn-my-head thing). I stayed up 'til midnight and saw the embodiment of coolness: .hack//sign. ^^ Tsukasa got all heroic and Maha was so sweet. ^^ Aww. Just for that, I'm making Kenshin, Tsukasa, or Maha my icon.
Anyway, I'd just like to welcome back Adam (ya know, the guy that owns/runs the site?) from wherever he happened to have been. Yah, I'm the geek that actually reads the updates. ^.^;; Anywhoozles, I leave you with a .hack//sign character quiz.

What .hack//SIGN Character Are You?


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Friday, August 22, 2003

   I sleep now...

Hey, everyone. Contrary to popular belief and the hope of many, I have not been eaten by a disgruntled otaku. I'm still alive and I don't really have much to say. I'm bored...
Anyway, today was the first meeting of anime club and it was a blast. I got to see DN.Angel, my newest obession. I'm probably the only person at the meeting that likes Daisuke more than Dark. Yah, I go for the short, innocent-looking ones with the big eyes: Yugi, Daisuke, that pink haired guy from Gravitation... I also tooked a personality quiz. ^^

You're Daisuke!

brought to you by Quizilla

^_^ I was kind of expecting that... Well, I'm off to find a new song for my opening page since you can barely hear the midi I have on it now (with is "My Will" from Inuyasha, by the way).

"Don't try to live so wise
Don't cry 'cause you're so right
Don't try with fakes or fears
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end..."

-Chorus to the Naruto ending song.

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Saturday, August 16, 2003

   Die, writer's block, DIE!!

I have horrible, horrible, horrible writer's block and I have an essay to type. I can't do my other homework until I type it and I have quite a bit more to do. >.< I have to do it today too because my mom wants us to have some "family bonding" tomorrow. The horror!! And yes, I am part of the family. It's not so bad, but I have stuff I have to do before then. T-T

Everyone join in my vendetta against writer's block for it affects even this post.



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Friday, August 15, 2003


The Firey
The Firey! You love animals, attention and stars.
You are a little bit on the hyper side, but you
know when to settle down. You have no problems
with your love life, and you protect those that
you love. You are willing to help those in
need, and are never an ignorant person.

What Clow Card Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

I love the firey card! It gives Sakura a lot of trouble, though...

Tristan Taylor
Tristan Taylor! He is sensitve, reliable,
trustworthy and he always is there when you
need him!

Which Yu-Gi-Oh! Bishie Is For You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tristen's okay, but he freaks me out a bit. He's kinda the freaky stalker type...like me! Man, I need to lay off the sugar...

Inuyasha... a definite!

Inuyasha, Miroku or Kouga? (Girls.. obviously...)
brought to you by Quizilla

Awww. *glomps Inu-kun* Soo cuddly! ^^

You Know Him Alot
YAY! You know your Joey!! *Does happy dance* I LIKE

How Well Do YOU Know Joey?
brought to you by Quizilla

I guessed on some of the questions...like on my history tests.

Embarassed Joey
You are embarassed Joey.

What Joey Wheeler Feeling Are You? (Pictures) (Preferably boys and girls)
brought to you by Quizilla

Hah. I'm frequently embarassed...

Wisdom Goddess
Goddess of Wisdom. You are very intelligent and
maybe worry too much about your studies. You
love to read.

What Goddess Are You? (Girls) (Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

Is it that obvious?

Anyway, you can thank the Joey Wheeler fanatic known as babypetsarekool for this...interesting trip down Joey Wheeler-ville. ^^ I'm going to bed now. I'm tired.


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Hey, hey! I'm back and, surprisingly, still alive. My Mount Fuji-sized homework pile was conquered before it could collapse upon me. ^^ I still have a bit of homework for this weekend. My mum is trying the Bertie Bott's Every Flavoured Beans (ya know, from Harry Potter) that she bought my sister. She got black pepper and booger. You should have seen her face. XD I wonder how they get the flavors to be accurate... I mean do they really taste stuff like earwax, vomit, grass, dirt, ect.? I hope whoever's doing that is getting paid well. ^^
Anywhoozle, I haven't gotten many posts since I last checked, however I am quite pleased with all the additions to my guestbook. Arigato to all who posted and signed my guestbook! ^-^ Please post if you have the chance. It would most definately make me happy. I also am changing the music because the one I have now is too quiet to hear.
My second week of school was okay except for last night when I procrastinated on my homework and ended up working from 4PM to 12:15AM (I stopped for about two hours to eat, bathe, and watch Yu-Yu Hakusho, even though it's a repeat...). I should have just stayed up and watched the last fifteen minutes of FLCL (Fooly Cooly or Furi Curi). I am a big procrastinator as most other students are. ^^ I'm getting a bit better, though...
Well, I'm gonna go and take some quizzes to post.
Ja ne!

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Wednesday, August 13, 2003

   The return of insanity!

I wrote this during my lunch break. ^^ You should probably get a full update either Friday or Saturday.

Hey, everyone! I'm writing this from the bowels of the school cafeteria (to be posted this afternoon). Hopefully, I've received more posts, but I probably won't respond to them due to the giant mountian of homework looming over me *cowers*. I have a symbolism essay due Friday, about ten pages of history to read due Friday, an essay due Monday, a geometry quiz tomorrow, a vocabulary quiz tomorrow, and a geometry test Friday. And that's not even my nightly homework. Eeks! *mountain of homework collapses* Oww...Well, I gotta go since lunch ends soon.

Ja ne!

Here's this funny quote I read off of someone's shirt:

Yellow snowcones aren't bananna flavoured.

Again, gomen about not being able to respond. I also want to correct my Spanish lesson for the day: It was supposed to read: "Me gustan fuego...y tijeras." Yah, so sorry. Gotta go do some research now. ^^

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Sunday, August 10, 2003


All the posts! All the guestbook signings! I love you all! *glomps readers* I'll be sure to visit your happy homepage thingys if I haven't already. I'll probably add some more friends if I get the chance. However, I'm lazy and I have a lot of schoolwork. Moo! I am also part of Satan's book club aka required school reading. Hasn't started yet, but it's only a matter of time...

I never did tell you how I came up with my name, did I? 'Tis an interesting story. Millennium comes from the Millennium Items (namely the Puzzle) from Yu-Gi-Oh! Chaos comes from the Chaos Gates of .hack//sign (ya know, those spinny blue things that the players teleport in front of?). So, that's my name. If you haven't joined yet or you want some cool names for your friends, here's a list of random items from anime put together to sound cool. XP

TwilightStar (Key of Twilight from .hack//sign and Star Cards from Cardcaptors)
MysticalGuardian (Two monster cards from Yu-Gi-Oh!: Mystical Elf and the Celtic Guardian, which is the Elf Swordsman in Japanese).
Uh...I can't think of any more. I do have a question: Am I the only Yugi Moto fan out there? I haven't met another one... Posts would be nice... so please do! Oh, and Yami fans don't count. Why not just tell me your favorite Yu-Gi-Oh! character? Thanx in advance!

It is my firm belief that all the editors at 4Kids are rabid Kurboh who eat the best parts of an anime...

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