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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Thursday, June 17, 2004

   Hungry and faintly waterlogged.
So, how's life, everyone? I meant to post yesterday, but a combination of time contraints and my browser being a royal pain prevented me from doing so. So, sorry. I managed to get around to a bunch of sites yesterday, but I missed snowfox, someguy, Thrush Battersa (sp?), and Willow because of the same reasons. I went around today and posted on yesterday's update.

Anyway, yesterday was pretty weird. There I was, dreaming peacefully, when suddenly my mom walks in, wakes me up, and hands me the phone, saying I had a call. That in and of itself is strange because I don't often get calls. So, I answered. Turned out that it wasn't anybody I knew, but someone who sponsored an essay contest I entered awhile back (which I had to do because it was an English grade). She told me that I won some money for my essay. Of course, it took a bit of repeating before it sank in because I'm pretty dense when I just wake up. So, yeah, that was strange. I spent the rest of the day cleaning for some party thing we're having tonight. Afterwards, I had to get ready to leave to meet my friends at the theatre. It was pretty fun. 'Twas quite an odd day, though.

I meant to post these yesterday, but here are a few...interesting quotes I gleaned from the InuYasha game:

"Then again, knowing you, maybe we should just tie you up..."
"It's all about the ears."
"What's 1+1?" (Agh! Math!)
"Who took the chips?"
"I haven't bought clothes in awhile..."
"I want to take a bath..."
"You are truly beautiful, will you have my child?"*
"It's a chronic disease..."
"Look! A peeping hole over there..."
"How about we go and have some tea?"

The starred quote is so funny because I thought Miroku was saying it to InuYasha during their tag battle (it's really to show that he got distracted and left the battle, allowing InuYasha to take over).

Okay, that's about it. I have to go off and visit some sites today. I also want to find some pictures so I can change the wallpaper (I don't really like the one I have up now). Much chaos and love.


"The flowers are singing. They're always singing. Humans never seem to notice." -some old lady, Wolf's Rain.

Millennium: "What's that smell? It smells strange and slightly burnt..."
Akio (my friend): "That would be my brain."

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