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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Friday, June 18, 2004

   The stars have chosen your fate...
Yo, everyone. Originally, this was going to be just another post. But, suddenly, as I looked for pictures to post of Furuba (Fruits Basket), inspiration struck me with her giant frying pan o' doom! So, yeah, this'll be a pretty...different post.

Okay, before I get any further, I should probably explain a bit about Furuba so you'll understand where I got my idea from. It's basically about this super-optimistic high school orphan who began living in a tent in the woods after the death of her mother. One day, she stumbles upon the Sohma house where one of her classmates lives, the ultra-popular Yuki Sohma. Through a turn of events, Tohru, the girl, ends up losing her tent in a landslide and comes to live with the Sohmas. She later finds out that thirteen members of the Sohma family are cursed by the vengeful spirit of a member of the Chinese zodiac and, upon falling into the embrace of the opposite sex, changes into the animal that curses them. Aaand, that's about it. The series covers the day-to-day occurances with the Sohma family. Of course, there's romance and comedy and such, but I really don't feel like rambling much anymore.

So, what's this grand scheme, you ask? I was going to sit here and copy dates and signs out of my nifty astrology book, but I'm lazy and it was taking far too long, so I searched the web and found a nifty link for you to see your signs! Yay, laziness!

*sighs* I think that about covers it. O.o Nothing really major happened today. Walked around, watched TV, yelled a bit, became really hungry, ate, watched more TV, yelled a bit more, and sat here, typing. I'm gonna go off and do stuff now. Stuff of a stuff-ish nature. *evil grin*


This is a picture of some of the people in Furuba. There's Kyo, Shigure, Yuki, and Tohru. ^^

Nifty links of doooooom!

The Offical English site for Fruits Basket
A nifty fansite full of nifty Furuba goodness.

"It's just a little rabbit!"
Millennium: *chomp* :3

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