myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Armadillos, possums, and panda-monkies, oh my!
It's the rare, improbable, nearly impossible TUESDAY UPDATE!! Yeah. Me brain's fried. I had a standardized test today (fairly difficult, considering) that I forgot about until yesterday. Bloo. I can't sit still for that long (it took over half the day!). Anyway, enough complaining. I have next to no homework tonight, which is a lovely change. ^-^ Thanks, as always, for the posts. I always enjoy them. You're probably right, JadeLin; I'm too lazy to let the page load fully, so there were probably more results to that neko quiz. Speaking of which, I'm gonna retake some of those quizzes that said that I'm laid back. I wanna see if it changes when I'm in school. I'll tell you guys the results of my weird and pointless experiment.
As you can probably tell from the title, I saw yet another creature lurking around the catfood dish, which I believe to be the true center of the universe. A possum this time. I was trying to go to sleep on Sunday at about 11:30 and I kept hearing this odd sound. So, assuming it was my sister, as always, I looked into her room. She was sound asleep. Baffled, I wandered toward the sound. It was coming from outside. I turn on the light, pull back the curtain, and there's a possum attempting to pick up the catfood dish so as to eat from it. My mom came out just as the possum ran away, so she didn't see it. She probably thinks I'm going insane. o.O Yep, well that's the update.
Well, not much else has happened. Wake up, fall out of bed, sleep on floor, drag self to get dressed, go to school, sit in a stupor, come home, do homework, sleep. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Oh, about the panda-monkey. I saw this shape in my shower curtain (which has a marble-looking design in it) that looked like a panda holding a candy cane (or really thick bamboo). Then, I saw a monkey tail and ears, so I dubbed it the panda-monkey. Ah, the musings of a random and easily amused mind.
That's it for the update! Here's a quiz to keep you occupied. And I already know my next theme for the site change, but I won't say it. Finding pictures might be hard, so I won't guaruntee anything. ^^ Ja ne!

Find out what anime girl you are.
Lain's creepy. Then again, people tell me I'm creepy. I dunno. I just don't see how I'm creepy. -.-;;
Inuyasha: "Miroku, are you playing with my face?"
Miroku: "You noticed?"
(quote from Inuyasha@holymango.net
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