myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Friday, October 24, 2003
Hand me the flamethrower!
Hah. Hi, guys. It's been awhile since I updated. ^^ Sorry. I haven't been too swamped with work, just lazy. -.-;; Anyway, I'll be updating my Offenders list to include some newcomers. And I gave in and put my music at the top of the page. I don't really like to use the html stuff because I'll forget it and all fifteen minutes I spent learning it would be wasted. Yeah. But, it looks better that way. ^^ Bloo.
Here's the next bit of my crazy little Inuyasha fic. If you missed it last week, you can catch it in my previous entries section. It was posted last Friday if that helps. Anyway, enjoy!
In a distant castle fortress in some obscure village in Japan, Nuraku was thinking up his insidious plot for the day. After all, he was a bad guy and must make an insidius plot every day, except for Sundays, Jewish holidays, and Easter by union rules. Today was Monday, so there were evil plots to be had. So, after thinking long and hard, Nuraku conjured up his most insidius plan yet- burning ants with a magnafying glass! Ahh! The horror! His reign of terror upon the ant world was cut short, however, when Random Henchman #0375123 entered and...
Editors: Wait!
What now?
Editors: You must needlessly change Random Henchman #0375123's name!
Editors:It's a swearword in gibberish.
What?! You're kidding! Gibberish isn't a language!
Editors: It is in Joetopia.
Editors: We demand that you change his name to Flatulence!
Why?! That's degrading!
Editors: Because we can sue you.
Darn you!!
Editors: And use Kilala, not Kirara.
Editors: Because you egged our cars.
Did not
Editors: Did too.
Did not
Editors: Did too! Now, meet our demands or we shall sue you until you have no money and must become our slave!
That's mean!
Editors: How do you think we get our writers? Chop chop!
Well, that's the weekly installment. Hope you enjoyed it. ^-^ Not much else to say. I think I'll squiggle around your sites a bit. Ah, but what post wouldn't be complete without a random quiz?
 You are Beef Ramen! You are well liked, and you are very socially adept and easy to talk to and to get to know. People appreciate that you are willing to pay attention to them. You normally are a hard worker, though social life will always come first for you.
What Flavor of Ramen Noodles are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Mmm....ramen. Beef ramen's pretty dern yummy. Then again, I eat all ramen. Too much Inuyasha and Naruto, I'm sure.

what flavor pocky are you?
[c] sugardew
Pocky!! I love chocolate, but I like strawberry better. Can you tell I'm hungry? Well, I'll let you go. Ja ne!
BEHOLD! Ramen is the answer for everything!!
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