myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Sunday, July 25, 2004
Real life is not coreographed. If you get into this big fight, there aren't conveniently placed ladders or swords or that strange dust that flies off of everyone's clothes. And has anyone noticed that whenever anyone says that the villian is finally defeated before the smoke clears, that the villian is still there, cackling? This, as always, has little to do with my post, but, well, it was lingering somewhere in my mind.
I just thought I'd post because I don't know how much you'll be hearing from me. I have to finish my homework (nine essays to write and a book to read). Just after I finish that, there's the open houses and school shopping and other things of 3v1l. Then, the biggest 3v1l: school itself. O____o Meh. Summer went by pretty fast, but I guess there's nothing I can do...
Well, other than that, there's not much to say. I doubt I'll get around to many sites, so sorry in advance. I've finally gotten over 2000 visits! O.o So, thanks to everyone who's visited me over the past...wow...almost-a-year. Anyway, thanks!
Random anime musings- stuff I think whilist watching various anime.
=>Hey, Kagura and Sessy use the same eyeshadow!
=>Yo, Sessy, what's the sound of one hand clapping?
=>I wonder how far you can really kick Jaken...
=>I wonder what Vash thinks of all those guys at the beginning of the series that try to pass off as him. 'Stupid cosplayers...'
Wolf's Rain
=>Oh, Hige sounds like Tai from Digimon and Tsume sounds a lot like Spike from Cowboy Bebop, and that little kid in the first or second episode sounds like Tsukasa...
=>How is it that everyone's hair and clothes defy gravity? Domino must have a lot of smog from the amount of hairspray and startch they use...
=>Is is written in the rules that you have to end every move with a dramatic pose? Or lecture people just as they're about to lose?
=>The battles go on for days, so do they take breaks to eat and stuff? I mean, what if you haven't had a bathroom break and went to power up?
*rides off into the sunset on a gigantic Grunty*
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