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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Friday, July 30, 2004

  Heh. That's from a Gackt song where he and this girl try to sing 'Silent Night.' It deeply amuses me. ^o^

I'm still alive! Look! Tired, a little grumpy, and busy, but alive nonetheless. My schedule for the next few days is going to be hectic, but I'll try to get the new theme up either tomorrow or Sunday. It's all ready to go I just need to post the pictures and change the colours. MOOOOO! *insert heroic stance here* And my mom was discussing the prospect of getting a wireless router for the internet, so that instead of posting here on the crappy computer, I can post on the less crappy computer in my room. Which reminds me that I need to do some matinence on this thing. *winces*

Well that's about all I feels like talking about now. Behold this picture! It is a clue for the next theme:



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