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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Sunday, August 1, 2004

  Heh. Heheheheheh. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Okay, I'm done. On to the post.

As you can see, the new theme is Yu-Gi-Oh! It has little to do with squirrels. But, er...the tail is spikey much like Yugi's head so...er...yeah. Can you tell I just made that up? The squirrel picture was to throw you off. >.> It worked, I see. Muahahahahaha.

Anyway, wow, can you believe it's been a year? It's pretty incredible. I remember signing up exactly one year ago (a day late because I wasn't online when it was launched). Talking on the phone whilist posting my first tentative, nervous post. A year and a couple of themes later, here we are. Over 2000 visits and 112 guestbook signings. I think around 20 Offenders and an average of 8 comments per post. Not to mention countless new friends and interesting experiences. Someguy's amusing stories, rustym's interesting little posts, Chie being...chie-ish (though that's a good thing, trust me), the crandomness giving me the occasional hard time (though I know he loves me and the Spanish language deep down ~.^), and everyone else. Let's take a moment to remember all the good times we've had. *cheesy sentimental music* Okay, enough of that.

Well, I'm finally done with my summer work...one day before shcool begins. *cough* I don't really want to go back because I won't have as much spare time (which means fewer posts) and I heard junior year is hell. On the bright side, I met my teachers at orientation and they seemed really nice. Some of my favourites are there. And I somehow got signed up for art. Which is okay because I don't want my skillz to get rusty. When I do post, though, it'll be pretty random, mostly because I don't get a lot of sleep during the year. All in all, there's good, there's bad, and there's inevitability. And if I whine, my mom's gonna do that 'World's Smallest Violin' thing.

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys the new theme. Mebbe we should make a myO New Year's tradition. July 31st shall forevermore be MYOTAKU NEW YEAR! Now scurry off to the shrine and pray for my sanity. O___o


Happy Birthday, myO!

*juggles apples*

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