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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Friday, August 6, 2004

   The rat in the box is a metaphor for society's restriants upon us all.
Okay, I'm gonna rant for a bit about a couple laws of the English language that people seem to love to break alot. And it's really annoying. The apostrophe rule, for instance. Only use an apostrophe in a contraction or when expressing possession. It's not that difficult a concept. For instance, 'The cat's crossed the hallway' is incorrect! For the love of soup, learn the apostrophe laws! Sure, there are exceptions, but still. It's especially important if you write fanfictions. I'm so sick of these terrible fics with bad spelling, grammar, and overall terrible plots. [insert sounds of annoyance here] So, in sum, putting your apostrophe in the wrong place sends the Millennium off the edge.

*deep breath*

Today was okay, not nearly as good as yesterday. I had to walk roughly 2km home this afternoon from the bus stop. It was an overall unpleasant experience. Aside from the staggering distance, it was humid, hot, and I was tired from the school day. Lame. Anyway, I'm soo glad it's the weekend and I don't have a lot of work. ^____^ Sure, I have some, but nothing project-like. This first week totally wiped me out. It didn't help that my bus driver changed the stop times so that I have to get up at 5am instead of 5:30. Moof. I was tired all day. O___o But, I'm so glad to be able to see all my friends. They're very...interesting (I'm actually one of the most normal). And one of my friends lent me DNAngel #2 and #3. Plus, I got some anime magazines (including Shonen Jump) earlier this week and they're begging to be read. I read a bit of Shonen Jump whilist waiting for my computer to defrag (it took an hour and didn't get much faster). Anyway, my classes are pretty good. Still a bit intimidated, but I'm warming up to it (and I think my teachers are warmning up to the sometimes shy, sometimes loud and random Millennium). So, yeah, most of the week was me waking up at an ungodly hour, being drilled on the new school rules ad nauseum, getting lost in some classes, walking across campus a lot, and coming home to do homework and go to sleep relatively early. Other than school, not much is going on. Kinda sad, huh?

BUT, I do have some nifty anime news. It's still unoffical, but 4Kids (the western anime distributor of DOOM) is going to be releasing unedited, subtitled DVDs of Shaman King and Yu-Gi-Oh! COOKIES! *random dance* And here I was thinking that I would have to import them or buy all the manga. O____o Anyway, that made an already good day better. ^_^

Uh, that's about it. Comment reply...o' DOOM!

Dark Phoenix: Yeah, going back is a little disheartening. I know my way pretty well around, so I don't get lost, but just getting across campus in the terrible traffic is difficult. X__x Eh, being an upperclassman doesn't really do much. Only seniors get special rights. T-T
chie: The first day is always terrible. I think my teachers try to indimidate us so that we drop their class and they get a smaller class size. Anyway, high school isn't that bad. Just not as fun as junior high. There are more freedoms, though.
rain shower: Yup, I'm glad I still have some of my old friends. I just miss a few of the others, though. I gets very sad sometimes. T-T
rustym: Thanks, I'll need all the luck I can get. O__O Glad you like the new theme!

Oookay, that's it. Now for a picture of tasty. ~_^

I always thought this one kinda pretty.


"Undress." "O__O What?!" -Some dood and Daisuke from DNAngel.

*proceeds to have high tea with Mr. Tibbles*

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