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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

   "Eat bracelet, scumbag!"
[little rant]: I wonder exactly how it is that my computer can never work properly. The internet scews up, I can't see avis, the mood icons don't move, the music won't play, and I was trying fitfully to get an online radio station to work, which succeeded for, oh, five seconds. >.< No one else's computer screws up this much! Why does my luck with technology suck so much?! [end little rant]

Phew, I feel better. I managed to get over my rut and go to all the updated sites today. ^^ So, I feel cleansed. And I even played some .hack today. Level 5, baby! Which, I might add, is pretty good because I was a level 1 when I started. I kept getting lost, though. And the manual camera is a burden. X_x But, I loves it. I shall play more very soon. ^^ I have some stuff in the works for the site. Nothing big, though.

My little sister got glasses today, which is really...weird. I guess I just never envisioned her as the type to ever get glasses. *shrugs* Welcome to the genepool, imoto-chan. XP

Yeah, that's my day. No nifty anime stuff now. *very sad* I am officially a Faust VIII fangirl, though. I mean, sure, he's a crazed psycho that cut Manta open, but he's a snappily dressed German. And the bags under his eyes are kinda cool in a weird way. ^^;;


Of course, Faust can never compete with Li-kun. ^^

Tiger Claws!

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