myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Friday, November 7, 2003
Sugar crasssshhh...*falls over*
PUMPERNICKLE! Buah. Well, I had to get your attention somehow. If you're as tired as I am, you're probably falling asleep at your computer. It's just been one of those weeks, I guess. Thanks for your posts as usual, guys! They always keep me motivated. ^^
Anyway, today started out pretty poorly, but it did get much better, especially because of anime club. ^-^ I got a little Japanese pronunciation lesson and we had a little Q&A session about anime/game stuff. Plus, when I got home, I found that my mom had bought me Fushigi Yugi at, of all places, a grocery store. 'Twas rather inexpencive, though. ^^ The only thing about it is that the tape has epidoses 20-23 or so and I don't own nor have seen any of the other episodes. I won't tell my mom that, though. She seemed really happy that she found something I like and seemed really proud of herself. I'm not about to ruin that over a little technicality. I'm sharp and I can do some research on it if I get lost. ^^ I'm still very pleased as it is my first anime video/tape thingy (well, my sister has a Sailor Moon video, but I don't think that counts ^.^;;).
Now for another installment of the crazy, wacky, currently titless fanfic that I started awhile ago. Enjoy!
Anyway, Flatulence entered just as Nuraku began his daily torture. Of course, like all other villains, Nuraku must make a long, grandiose speech about how great it was to be victorious, how much he enjoyed his victim's screams, and how he desired to taste their blood. In short, Nuraku is an overpaid psycologist's dream. Despite the fact that he was torturing ants that probably couldn't hear him, much less understand him, he had to make a long speech about the joys of cooking...and torture. And, on occasion, he must also reveal his elaborate plans so as to give the cocky hero an opportunity to find a way to stop it. I believe those are union rules as well.
Nonetheless, Nuraku began his insane muttering to his dying victims.
"Ha! Foolish antenna-bespeckled mortals! I shall burn you all unneccesarily because of boredom! Do not try to flee, foolish ant, for I shall burn you nonetheless! Crap! He fled out of my range. Curse you!" cried Nuraku, banishing his magnifying glass and, consequentially, burning a hole in his baboon suit.
His cursing was cut short, however, from an ominous buzz.
"My brownies are done!"
Now, maybe I'm really bad at Japanese history, but I don't think they had ovens in the feudal era. Not even hot plates...or even lightbulbs...maybe brownies weren't even invented yet. Yes, dear readers, there was a dark time before brownies. Regardless, Nuraku began his journey to the kitchen to get his nonexistant brownies out of his nonexistant oven to shar with his nonexistant friend Mister Tibbles. His quest to the kitchen was cut short, however, when he walked into Flatulence, who, as I said before, has entered during Nuraku's villainous assult upon the ant community.
Hope you enjoyed it. ^^ If you missed the first two entries, they're usually on Fridays (starting about two weeks ago and omitting last Friday).
Well, that doesn't really cover much, but I'm tired and I need to sleep or this entry will make less sense than usual. Mer. But here's a quiz or two:

How random are you?
this quiz was made by alanna
You're very random! Sanity comes hard - when you're not singing to complete strangers or using made-up words in conversation, you can be normal... but hey, why bother?
*gasp* How she know about the made up words? Spuke, for instance, or toilet juice (y'know that water in the toilet...).
Now for a Gravitation quiz! Moo...I roar.
 You're the kawaii singer from Nittle Grasper, Sakuma Ryuichi! Even though you may act like a hyper three year old most of the time, you're a great friend to have. Everyone adores and loves you, even if you're not the brightest crayon in the box. You like adding "Na No Da" to the end of your sentences and carrying your stuffed pink bunny Kumagorou everywhere with you. Also, you can go from adorably cute to sexy serious in no time flat
~*~Which Gravitation Character Are You?~*~ brought to you by Quizilla
Night, night *passes out*
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