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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Friday, August 15, 2003


Hey, hey! I'm back and, surprisingly, still alive. My Mount Fuji-sized homework pile was conquered before it could collapse upon me. ^^ I still have a bit of homework for this weekend. My mum is trying the Bertie Bott's Every Flavoured Beans (ya know, from Harry Potter) that she bought my sister. She got black pepper and booger. You should have seen her face. XD I wonder how they get the flavors to be accurate... I mean do they really taste stuff like earwax, vomit, grass, dirt, ect.? I hope whoever's doing that is getting paid well. ^^
Anywhoozle, I haven't gotten many posts since I last checked, however I am quite pleased with all the additions to my guestbook. Arigato to all who posted and signed my guestbook! ^-^ Please post if you have the chance. It would most definately make me happy. I also am changing the music because the one I have now is too quiet to hear.
My second week of school was okay except for last night when I procrastinated on my homework and ended up working from 4PM to 12:15AM (I stopped for about two hours to eat, bathe, and watch Yu-Yu Hakusho, even though it's a repeat...). I should have just stayed up and watched the last fifteen minutes of FLCL (Fooly Cooly or Furi Curi). I am a big procrastinator as most other students are. ^^ I'm getting a bit better, though...
Well, I'm gonna go and take some quizzes to post.
Ja ne!

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