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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Friday, August 15, 2003


The Firey
The Firey! You love animals, attention and stars.
You are a little bit on the hyper side, but you
know when to settle down. You have no problems
with your love life, and you protect those that
you love. You are willing to help those in
need, and are never an ignorant person.

What Clow Card Are You?
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I love the firey card! It gives Sakura a lot of trouble, though...

Tristan Taylor
Tristan Taylor! He is sensitve, reliable,
trustworthy and he always is there when you
need him!

Which Yu-Gi-Oh! Bishie Is For You?
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Tristen's okay, but he freaks me out a bit. He's kinda the freaky stalker type...like me! Man, I need to lay off the sugar...

Inuyasha... a definite!

Inuyasha, Miroku or Kouga? (Girls.. obviously...)
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Awww. *glomps Inu-kun* Soo cuddly! ^^

You Know Him Alot
YAY! You know your Joey!! *Does happy dance* I LIKE

How Well Do YOU Know Joey?
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I guessed on some of the questions...like on my history tests.

Embarassed Joey
You are embarassed Joey.

What Joey Wheeler Feeling Are You? (Pictures) (Preferably boys and girls)
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Hah. I'm frequently embarassed...

Wisdom Goddess
Goddess of Wisdom. You are very intelligent and
maybe worry too much about your studies. You
love to read.

What Goddess Are You? (Girls) (Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

Is it that obvious?

Anyway, you can thank the Joey Wheeler fanatic known as babypetsarekool for this...interesting trip down Joey Wheeler-ville. ^^ I'm going to bed now. I'm tired.


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