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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Heh. It's been a whole week since I've posted. ^^;; Sorry, guys, it's just been pretty hectic. You wouldn't believe the amount of work I have to do. And it's almost the end of the month, so I have to find time to make stuff for my new theme. O___o It might be a little late, so I apologize in advance. I'm also sorry for not visiting sites and replying to my guestbook signings. Once I get a decent block of time, I'll get around to that. ^^;;

My mission to buy a pair of shoes is scrubbed for the moment. My new mission is to buy more shirts as I wear the same few every week. It gets a little boring. So, hopefully, I'll find some today on my excursion to the mall. ^^

You know what I was pondering: Why do all the evil henchmen always look so ugly? I mean, if they're going to be there, they might as well look nice while trying to thwart our hero. Seriously. I was also wondering why there was so much fanservice for the guys. Where is the fanservice for the girls? It's all nekkid/big busted women! O__o There was Kyou Kara Mao that had so many bishounen that it almost exploded and rained bishounen everywhere. 'Tis a good series. I also made a list of things I must get on my next excursion to a con: a dothack CD (or maybe a See Saw CD; they do most of the dothack music), a Do As Infinity CD, a Kenshin plushie, small Naruto figurines, and something Full Metal Alchemist. I'll probably think of more. ^^;; Of course, I probably can't afford all that. >.>

Anyway, I hope everyone has a good weekend. I'll try to do something with the site when I get a chance!


Even the puppies from Kyou Kara Mao are cute!

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