myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Monday, November 10, 2003
Ah, to be young and insane...
Another Monday. *sigh* Another endless sea of papers, encroaching due dates, tests out the ying yang and my sanity slowly bleeding from my ears. Hence, the posts will be a bit more sparing and probably much more random than usual, especially as the due dates of doom approach. Blech. It doesn't help that today was one of those days that I was so close to creating a bloodrain, laughing manically, and running around in Montezuma's headress of death and screaming "I am your Mongol leader. OBEY ME!!". This is even more likely than usual thanks to my three tests and quiz tomorrow. I could always just wing them all as usual, but I think I'll put a bit of effort into it this time. Just a little.
Anyway, I watched the first two episodes of Fushigi Yugi last night. It was nifty, but the highly romance-y scenes made me squeal "Aghh! My eyes!". Other than that, it was rather cool. And...Shadi, I can see you.
Shadi: *dancing in the background in his undergarments to some really bad polka. I mean the kind that's labeled "Bad Polka: I'll pay you if you take it!" in a music store.*
Millennium: I can still see you.
Shadi: But, my Millennium Key shields me from your sight. *continues dancing*
Millennium: You took your Millennium Key off an hour ago. I didn't say anything until you turned on the bad polka.
Shadi: What?! *looks down* Oh crap... *blushes and departs*
Anyway, not much else to say. I should depart so I can study a bit...or sleep. Probably the second one. Y'know, I saw this girl driving in her car WRITING HER SCHEDULE DOWN! I mean, her hands weren't even on the steering wheel! O.o M'kay, enough of the randomness. Ja ne!

"It sounds like a homo being strangled in here." "It's not my fault I'm gay!" -Random, nameless people from Fushigi Yugi.
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