myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Friday, November 14, 2003
Ranting, randomness, and pocky...life in a nutshell.
Wow. I leave for five days and I have all these guestbook signings and posts to reply to. Not to mention the fact that I've been neglecting that pile of e-mails lurking in my inbox. O.o But, now I'm back and crazier than ever, especially thanks to that week of pure, unadulterated terror. Tests, projects, irreversible scarring... Anyway, back to...whatever it is I'm going to rant about.
Yeah, well, earlier this week, I discovered a highly disturbing fact in the form of a live-action Yu-Gi-Oh! movie. WHY?! Y'know, I've put up with a good deal of crap: terrible dubs, overediting, poor animation, the emergence of imitation anime, and countless other injustices that have befallen anime since it started leaving Japan. But, live-action? It isn't even Japanese. They're putting Western pop-culture idols in Yu-Gi-Oh! POP CULTURE, I SAY! I can't believe it. That's one of the downsides of greater accesibility of anime, the corporations get their grubby paws on it and totally exploit it to the point of annoyance. For instance, I saw three Yu-Gi-Oh! commercials in a row for two commercial breaks. Why?! I totally understand that the production company needs to make some money, but why do they have to mangle the anime in the process? Yu-Gi-Oh! is a teenage anime in Japan (as are most others produced in the West as kids' shows) and, thus, needs editing, but can't they at least release the Japanese version for some fans who really want to see it? Wise up, stupid prodcution people! Buah.
Anyway, here's the next installment of my little fanfic. ^^
"Flatulence! Why are you blocking my way to the kitchen?!" exclaimed Nuraku.
"Nuraku, sir," replied Flatulence, bowing, "the union is dissatisfied with your recent evil schemes. They claim that you're destroying the name of evil."
"Hrumph. I am just as evil now as I was fifty years ago."
"But, sir, you haven't even attempted to stop that annoying hanyou (A/N: half-demon) Inuyasha in weeks! Even your most illustrious and well-known plan has failed. Inuyasha is still alive and Kikyo's reincarnation is wandering around Japan, not to mention the fact that she was restored into a clay body. Sir," muttered Flatulence with great concern, "they may throw you out of the union!"
"No! That means no free sake on Fridays! I shall come up with the evilest scheme known to man! Kukukukuku!" exclaimed Nuraku, striking a pose of one who holds his finger in the air, hand on hip, with the ocean splashing behind him.
"But, first, I must go get my brownies."
Ta da! Well, that's all for today. Sorry about the lack of posts. ^^;; Thanks for all the posts, though. I loveded them. ^^

Which flock do you follow?
this quiz was made by alanna
Sadly, it's true. T-T
 You are Umi!
Which Magic Knight Rayearth Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I guess so... I like Hikaru more, though. ^^
"Dislocated groin." "Dislocated brain!" -Kenshin and Kaoru, Rurouni Kenshin.
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