myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Greetings from the dark portal of my mind...
*crickets* BONZAI!! Well, I had to do something different otherwise I'd bore you (and, frankly, myself). Anyway, thanks for all the posts of support and/or utter confusion. ^^
Well...I don't really have much to say. I'm just posting so that you know I'm alive and, uh, as random as usual (if not more so). Y'know, if you yell "I'm a marshmallow!" while running down the hall flailing your arms, everyone ignores you. I guess they see too much randomness on TV or something. O.o It's rather depressing...
Yup. I was going to rant about random people that are really getting on my nerves, but I think I'll hold that off until Friday when I have more time. Schoolwork's going okay, but I still think I have far too much of it. I'm becoming sleep deprived and walking into stuff. Oh, wait, that's normal. ^^;; Buah. Well, I think I'll go now so I can go in my room and hide from my sister. Ja ne!

What Anime Legend Are You?
Daisuke looks really cool in that suit. ^^ I want one.
"The straying dreams of men/ May bring them ghosts of joy:/ But as they drowse, the waking embers burn them." -Chorus, Antigone. I'm not entirely sure what the last bit means, but it sounded cool. ^^
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