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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Lazy bones...

This news may shock you, but I'm actually going to report about my life this entry. O____o Because I do have a life. Sort of.

Anyway, Tuesday I went out with my long-time friend and we acted like crazy otakuites. I found this really funny shirt that says "got sake?" on the front with "one sake, two sake, three sake, floor" on the back. 'twas hilarity. We also discovered this really awesome section of the bookstore where you can sample music. They have a really wide selection of Japanese music, too. I was surprised. They had everything from Gackt to Yuki Kaijura to Utada Hikaru. *happy* Speaking of music, I am currently obsessed with Yuki Kaijura who sings with See Saw. She also sings most of the music for .hack//SIGN. ^^ Anyway, I also picked up a copy of Shonen Jump, which made me happy as I loves the Ryou Bakura. ^_^

Wednesday was noticeably less fun. I had a dentist's appointment, which was rather painful. O___o I hate the plaque-scrapy thing. The cleaning was evil and the noisy X-ray machine sounded like the soundtrack to a haunted house. Blech. XP Fortunately, no cavities! *happy* Unfortunately, my wisdom teeth are a little ahead of themselves (they're not supposed to grow until I'm 18! Ahh!) and I have gingivitus. Blech. I later went to the mall with a larger group of friends, which probably wasn't wise as I was very tired from the dentist's (I swear they sedated me when I wasn't looking O_O). Anyway, we wandered, one of my friends signed up for a job (I hope he gets it, by the way!), looked about for new anime/album releases (more on this later), and played DDR (we had to find a way into the movie theatre; the guard was really nice and let us all in with one ticket, which he didn't tear so that we could return it ^^). So, it was a lot of fun. It would've been better if I hadn't been so tired.

M'yesh, the new anime releases I saw. Behold!

Legal Drug by CLAMP: Just the title makes you look twice. I think it's a yaoi (or shonen-ai) about pharmacists, but I didn't read much, so I don't know. The art style is very minimalist for CLAMP and a lot of people who didn't like their art style before are pleased with the change. Personally, I like both of CLAMP's styles. The bishonen are still cute, so don't worry! ^^

Chrno Crusade: I read about half of the first manga. It's really good and the second manga is even better (I saw the episodes for that one). The only think that irks me is that they spelled Chrno as "Chrono." This is bad as the way Chrno's name is spelled is actually a plot point. Silly editors. ^^;; All in all, it's a goodly manga.

Yeah, I'm a super-dork. Speaking of which, here are the answers to my little quiz:

1. What monster is Kaiba's personal jet shaped like? A Blue Eyes, White Dragon, of course! He's a little obsessed, ne?
2. How old is Yugi (this one is tricky ;3)? 15 or 16. I thought that I knew the actual age, but all the manga says is 10th grader ^^;;.
3. Who is the main character in SandLand? Bethelbub, prince of demons!
4. What is the name of Shirahime's deus in Angelic Layer?Sai Jounouchi
5. Who is Kaname Chidori's best friend in Full Metal Panic? Kyoko

Aah, I'm so bad. I had to look some of them up. ^^;; Anyway, sorry for the long entry. I'll try to get the theme together by this weekend. Yay, theme! Yay, Millennium-not-being-lazy-ness!


P.S. I like the new avi, Mimmi. ^^

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