myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Friday, November 21, 2003
*bangs head repeatedly against keyboard*
Konbanwa, minna-san! I'm finally back, tired, stressed, and ungodly busy, but I'm here. Woo, I suppose. Anyway, I made a new logo icon-y thingy because I was so depressed with the quality of my current one. Aaand I found some new little tricks with my difficult little photo-editing program. I won't be posting any more of my fanfic for today (maybe next week- gomen!) because I need your opinion on a crucial part of my history project. It's my opening speech for my debate. I'd really like some feedback (especially since I wrote it at about ten o'clock at night ^^;;).
Is it possible to discover something that had been discovered thousands of years before? Is it right to conquer a people that has never raised its hand against you? Ask the Spanish. They surely must know the answer for they did these very deeds to my people. I am Moctezuma II, the emperor of the Aztecs that allowed the Spanish into my capital of Tenochtitlan, bestowed hospitality and riches upon them...and was killed for it. The deeds the Spaniards did while in my city are unexcusalbe and sickening. For instance, after being assured by Cortes that the festival for Huitzilopoctli would go as previously planned, one of his men ordered the army to ruthlessly attack the unarmed dancers, singers, and other celebrants. Blood spattered the walls of our city during that day of celebration. Unfortunately, this isn't an isolated case. Though we bestowed gold and opulent lodging upon them, the conquistadors turned and killed my people through war and pestulance. At one time, the grief was so great and the survivors so few that agriculture ceased and the survivors began to starve. Possibly more sickening were the events that took place once the Spanish had won. They enslaved the mourning survivors, flattened the city that took generations of hard work to build, and stole from us the chimapas that our forefathers poured their souls into creating. How could men turn so fully upon the people that welcomed them with open arms and generous hears? How could the deaths of thousands upon thousands of people be just? It isn't.
Mwargh. Behold my speech. Opinions are greatly appreciated! ^^ Moo. Well, not much to say except that I learned some more Japanese languagey stuff today and took a billion tests *hiss*. I believe I'll depart for now. But before I do, remember: Spooglerbooghin. Indeed.
 Sonic the Hedgehog! Not liking boredom, this hedgehog of supersonic speed is never in one place for too long. His life is filled with exploration and adventure. Compared with rules and common sense, he follows his own rules, living life to the fullest. He always keeps his promises. He would never betray anyone. He follows his own plan, usually. When you think you're all alone in facing the wind, he'll get you through in a pinch.
Height: 100cm | 3.3 feet
Weight: 35kg | 77lb
Age: 15
Which Sonic X character are you? (Sonic the hedgehog) *****PICS INCLUDED***** brought to you by Quizilla
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