myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
You ate what?!
Hey there, darlings. Sorry about the last, completely unamusing post that occured. That's what happens when I'm overworked and exhausted. Well, aside from speaking in complete gibberish and having an insatiable appetite for vast quantites of apple jelly. Uh, yeah, anyway, thanks for all the posts! I will be updating the Offenders list over my four-day weekend (woo!). More spiffy stuff shall befall the site over my winter break in late December. I have to get through exams first, though. O.o
For some reason, I had this odd urge to pinch people's cheeks today. No, not those cheeks! The ones on their face! How can you resist pinching chibi little faces? ^^;; I also got a good deal more sleep than usual, so that may have something to do with it. Yeah, I overslept more than usual today. But, for some reason I was tired all day. Weird, ne?
Bloo. Yeah, not much else is going on. People said I did good on my dialogue, but I didn't get nearly as many stares as I should have, seeing as how I was wearing an Indian costume. Like I said, it's all that reality TV...
Quiz time!!
 you like Ryou and Bakura! ^^ So I got this sweet little pic just for you!
What Bakura Shonen-ai pic would you get? ^_^ fun to take!! brought to you by Quizilla
Kawaii! I've been dying to do a shonen-ai quiz. I'll post a quiz for those of you that aren't shonen-ai fans. ^^
 <<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( Anime Pics ) brought to you by Quizilla
Kawaii! ^^
Tune in tomorrow. Same place, same lunacy, probably same post. ^^;;
"Yep. Your death was a complete waste." -Boton, YYH.
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