myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Friday, November 28, 2003
"Help me fluff the Christmas tree!
Well, Thanksgivings over and we all know what that means: we'll be spending the weekend putting up Christmas decorations while eating turkey sandwiches, drinking turkey smoothies, and hammering the nails in with turkey. Seriously, though, I hope you all had a nice turkey day. Even those of you who don't celebrate Thanksgiving should eat vast quantities of half-price turkey. ^-^
Anyway, I was wondering where everyone's been lately. Not as many people seem to be stopping over lately. I dunno. Am I boring or something? Do you hate me for not posting on your sites a lot? Are you just busy? It's just kinda worrying/depressing me. But, I won't let that get me down! *bounce*
Well, here's the next installment of my weird fanfic of death. I realized that I get a lot of inspiration from public bathrooms. Have you ever been in a completely sensor-activated bathroom? It's scary. The toilet flushes before your done, you have to practically beat the sinks in order to get some water to come out, and don't even get me started on the toilet paper. Oh, yeah, the story...
Meanwhile, our favorite demon with a boa, the sickeningly cute Rin, and the talking punching bag known as Jaken were wandering in some random forest somewhere. It may very well be teh same forest Inuyasha is wandering in. I have no clue; it's not like they put signs in the forests. Just like all the villages are identical with the middle-aged men fixing the roofs of their huts, the grandpa and the little kid, and the wizened old village pervert...uh...elder, all the forests are identical. How are authors supposed to write under these conditions?! THUNK! (and that's about when I fell off my soapbox and got on with the story.)
Anyway, lo and behold the gang stumbles upon one of the most important aspects of the Inuyasha plotline. No, not the Shikon Jewel or Inuyasha's parachute pants, but the Bone-Eater's Well. 'Big deal,' you say, 'only Inuyasha and Kagome can travel through time in that well.' True, oh shrewd one, but there's one detail you forgot: plot contrivice. You see, as Sessy and Jaken continued forward, Rin lingered near the well, curious of its contents. She leaned over the edge of the well (not a smart idea with me as author), expecting to see chocolate bunnies, more parachute pants, or, in the least, a half-eaten doughnut. Of course, in accordance to Murphy's laws, my muse fluttered over the well with my montly shipment of plot contrivices while on her way to my lair of doom, located in your closet. Ha! You looked, didn't you? Anyway, one of the contrivices happened to fall upon poor unfortunate Rin, causing her to tumble headfirst into the well. Upon hearing Rin's squeak of alarm, that inner-softie Sesshomaru sauntered over to the well and jumped in, intent upon bringing Rin back up.
"Master Sesshomaru! What are you doing?!" cried the oh-so-stompable Jaken. He was silenced by Sesshomaru grabbing him by the neck and pulling him down into the well. Hey, if you're going down, might as well bring the completely useless henchman, right?
After a couple of seconds, Sessy and Jaken began seeing all these spiffy lights and pink orb thingies and everything was glowing. Of course, Jaken was thinking exactly what any of us would think in his situation.
'I want a sandwich. Without lettuce, mayo, cheese, or jellybeans. Actually, I kinda want a jelly bean and three-day-old tuna casserole sandwich.'
Okay, maybe you weren't thinking that. I sure wasn't. Maybe Sesshomaru's ponderings reflect our thoughts more.
'What the-?'
Wow, that was a long installment. Ek, I have a wrist cramp. @.@ Oh, I didn't explain the subject thingy of my post. Yeah, in accordance to tradition, my mom randomly decides to set up the artificial Christmas tree while I'm in school and when I walk in the door, we have to "fluff" the Christmas tree so it looks more like a tree than a squished green blob that just appeared in our living room. Yup. ^^;;
And, in accordance to my tradition, here's a quiz for you! ^-^
 Otaku Level 3
What Stage of Anime Fandom That I Went Through Are You At? brought to you by Quizilla
Hah. That does sound a good deal like me. ^^
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