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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Tuesday, December 2, 2003

   O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree...

Hey there, everyone! Thanks for all the replies, despite the kinda unfunny post. >.> Anyway, I'm ready to do a good update now. ^^

I have a few new ideas for features on the site. I was kinda thinking of a picture of the week thing (especially since Inuyasha pictures are so much more abundant that Naruto ones) or a quiz of the week or something. I was also thinking about doing a repeated offender of the day/week/whatever. The only problem with that is that I don't want to offend anyone if they're on for less time than someone else. I dunno... I do know what all these proposed site changes mean: I have far too much imagination and time on my hands. But, that's why you all love me, right? Or maybe the secret is the spiffy pictures. ^^;;

Anyway, to test your Inuyasha knowledge and keep you busy while I catch up on all that work I've been procrastinating on, here's a little quiz. The questions shouldn't exceed episode 60 or so. Yeah, that's not broad...>.> Regardless, here's the quiz. I'll post the *hopefully* correct answers on Friday. ^_^

[1] Here's an easy one. ~.^ What's Inuyasha's favorite food?
[2] What's the name Inu-kun's special move that he does with his claws?
[3] Here's another easy one (if you have a good memory, that is). About how old is Kagome?
[4] Why does Shippo hate boat rides so much?
[5] What's Kagome's "subduing command" (English or Japanese)?
[6] About how old is Inuyasha (you can either count or omit the time he spent bound to a tree; I'll post both answers)?
And finally...
[7] Who's your favorite character (obviously not a right or wrong answer)?
[8] What's your favorite song (if you don't know the name, just tell me the pictures that go on in the background if it's an ending song and I can tell you)?

Anyway, I'll post the answers Friday. Until then, enjoy the pic!


"There are two things I hate: waiting and being rushed and that's all I seem to be doing lately." -Yuske, YYH. I know how he feels...

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