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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Friday, December 5, 2003

   Mortal Combat: Millennium vs. the Christmas lights.

It was a cold mid-afternoon in early December. The steel-grey sky was reflected in the shiny orbs hanging from the roof. The Christmas lights. Part of them had come down fromt the roof and dangled precariously overhead, while an entire section consisting of roughly half the house was out. A blue-haired otaku viewed the sight with frustration, and a bit of fear. She took a deep breath and proclaimed into the still afternoon air: "It's time to tango!" With a flying leap, and a battle cry, the girl landed on the roof and began to battle with the twinkling bane of her existence. After five minutes of intense battling between otaku and holiday cheer, the girl was dangling from the roof, tangled in the Christmas lights. A woman emerged from the house and surveyed the terrifying outcome of the battle with utter bewilderment. "Uh...Millennium? We just had to change the fuse..." The tangled otaku looked down at the woman and blinked blankly. "What's a fuse?"

Okay, that's a glorified account of my afternoon battling the Christmas lights. Tommorrow, the tree. Dum dum dum. Anyway, thanks for all the responses! I found JadeLin's most amusing to read. ^_^ Here's the part you've all been waiting for: the answers.

[1] Here's an easy one. ~.^ What's Inuyasha's favorite food?
[2] What's the name Inu-kun's special move that he does with his claws?
Iron Reever, Soul Stealer! (at least in the English version)
[3] Here's another easy one (if you have a good memory, that is). About how old is Kagome?
[4] Why does Shippo hate boat rides so much?
He gets really seasick. @.@
[5] What's Kagome's "subduing command" (English or Japanese)?
Osuwari or Sit!
[6] About how old is Inuyasha (you can either count or omit the time he spent bound to a tree; I'll post both answers)?
I think 17 without time on the tree and 67 on the tree, but I'll double check.
And finally...
[7] Who's your favorite character (obviously not a right or wrong answer)?
Hmm...it's hard to pick just one, but I'd say Inuyasha, though Kagome is a close second (I had to mark her down for the annoying high-pitched scream).
[8] What's your favorite song (if you don't know the name, just tell me the pictures that go on in the background if it's an ending song and I can tell you)?
Owarinai Yume and Fukai Mori ^-^ Dearest makes me sleepy, but it's pretty. *yawns*

Well, that about covers it. I'll be back a bit later. Ja ne!


"Joey, don't cook the candy bars!" "Trust me, Yug, I know what I'm doing." -Yugi and Joey, YGO.

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