myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Saturday, November 27, 2004
'tis the season...for DOOM!
Mood: Greeting Doom
Anime craving: Shaman King
Yes, fellow otakuites, it's that time again.
You know, that time with the jolly fat man and the gifts and the craziness? Meaning, of course, that I have to shop for others. Shopping for myself is difficult enough! And the wrapping and dread of some store trying to be clever by playing some Christmas song by the Chipmunks. Oh, beef jerky, no! *sobbing*
Anyway, I hope all the Americans had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Even if you're not American, you should take some time this weekend to eat a mountain of food. I did and made myself a tad ill because I ate a little too much too fast. @.@ 'twas bad.
My English oral went swimmingly and I'm soo glad to get that off of my plate. Now I just have to worry about that pesky science project and psychology project. O__o Neither of which I've really started on, of course. ^^;;
I think I've come up with a good contest. Other people are doing it, I'm sure, but I'd like to try my hand at it anyway. Okay, I want to judge sites decked out for the holidays. It can be winter-y, Christmas-y, or Hannika-y. These are the criteria:
- creativity: can I tell the difference between your site and another person's?
- cleannes: does it look like you did everything on purpose?
- interest: is the site intersting in terms of design?
Judging will be sometime over my break (probably the 20th) and I'll be giving out special banners with any anime of your choice (within reason~!) on it. Start designing!
Anyway, there isn't much else going on. My imoto-chan (little sister) has a friend over, so I'm avoiding my room as it shares a wall with hers. And it's not sound-proof. O__o Hoping to play some PS today. Mebbe. ^^
Ja ne!

That's one way to make a snowman. ^^;; From: Shaman Os: The ONLY Shaman King site I could find that was half-decent.
*dons Christmas shopping gear*
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