myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Saturday, December 13, 2003
Mortal Combat: Millennium vs. Holiday shopping
Bathed in the shadows of morning, an otaku stood, hands on hips, ready to conquer the most dangerous of the holiday activities: Christmas shopping. "I will win! I shall conquer! I am late! Wait... Agh! I'm late!" With that, the girl dashed out the door only to return a few minutes later, finding that underwear on the outside is never a good idea, despite the fact that superheroes never get laughed at. Finally, she arrived at her destination: the mall. The purple-haired otaku stood at the entrance with a giant stick, which security promptly confescated while glaring at her. She went to enter a store, only to be pushed back by the onslaught of holiday shoppers headed toward the sale on hedgeclippers. Frazzled, swirly-eyed, and bewildered, the otaku wandered the friendless halls of the mall. She looked in the shops swamped with strange, frazzled people, terrified that she may be eaten, sacrificed, or worse, beaten with a giant handbag. None of the stores had anything that the girl deemed acceptible for presents. Disappointed, tired, and scarred for life, the otaku returned home and sank into the chair. A woman walked up, surveyed the otaku with mild interest, and asked her the last question she wanted to hear at the moment:
"So, what'd you get me?"
Okay, yet another over-glorified account of my struggles with holiday preparations and the like. Needless to say, I didn't get anything today, so I'm kinda dissappointed. Then again, I don't really know what I wanted in the first place. ^^;; Thanks for all the comments, by the way. You might see some holiday cheer creep onto my site if I get around to it. Knowing me, I'll get around to it mid-July. ^^;;
Well, I had a really good day yesterday. All my projects for the quarter are done and all that's left are the semester exams. So, I might get some sleep! Maybe...hopefully... And I went to the anime club Christmas party and I actually won something. Me of all people. And it was the grand prize: the first three tapes of Orphen. I don't know much about it, but it's gotta be good. ^^ The only bad thing is that I don't have it now because they forgot to bring the grand prize, which actually kind of amuses me because whenever things are given out to a group of people or in a drawing, the prize I'm supposed to get has been left behind. Weird, ne?
I'm still recovering from my cold(s), but I'm almost all better. I just have to get over that darn cough and runny nose. Once winter break starts, I'll feel much better. ^-^ Thanks for all the well-wishes. People don't normally notice unless I'm hacking violently and bleeding from somewhere. So thanks! Likewise, sorry that you couldn't get to your Christmas present. I'll try to find another way to get it up soon.
Wai! I'm soo excited that Return of the King is coming out soon (Wednesday, I think). I saw the second one last year and it was really pretty. Of course, my friend and I made a few jokes on some of the scenes and laughed insanely as Legolas and Gimli competed to see how many bad doods they could kill. 'Twas amusing. I loves the Legolas. I loves elves in general (The Elf Swordsman aka Celtic Guardian, Legolas, Spirit of the Harp, Mystical Elf, Link...). I dunno why. So, to stem my excitement and fuel yours, I give you a few pictures from the Yahoo! Movies section for LOTR. Behold the pretty-ness o' death! Behold!!

That's Liv Tyler as Arwin. Isn't she pretty?

And, of course, I had to add some Legolas goodness to my little celebration. Both images are copyright New Line Cinema and are provided by Yahoo!Movies
And, here's the official site of the movie with all the download-y good stuff and pictures: LOTR.net
Well, that's about it. Ja ne!
Miroku: Ah! What kind of sorcery is that?
Kagome: I think he's just beating the crap out of them (courtesy Inuyasha@holymango
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