myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Thursday, December 18, 2003
Rebellion of the supermarket computers.
BONZAI!!! Yup. I'm baaaack. I've only been gone a day and I get nine, count 'em, nine posts. So thank you all for the posts! I've also been wondering if anyone knows where DES has been. She hasn't updated in almost a month. I'm a bit worried... Anyway, I want to apologize for the state my site's in now. It doesn't look the way I want it to, so I'll be changing the organization of it today, tomorrow, and probably next week. It's just not how I'd like it to look, y'know?
Well, I had a weird adventure today that rather startled me. I was at a store with my mom buying some random stuff when my mom declared that we'll use the self-checkout.
That's trouble right there.
Anyway, we walk up to it and the computer suddenly went from it's little advirtisement screensaver and said hello. 'Okay,' I thought, 'the computer must be programmed to do that every so often.' So, we scan all the stuff and it asks for payment. We placed the money in the slot thing and it knew how much we owed with each bill we put in! How does it do that? I can't do math that fast. Then, we heard the change clang and frantically began looking for the place where it comes out. I managed to find the emergency shut-off before one of the workers pointed out where it came out. We were standing right in front of it.
M'yeah. That was real and unembellished, hence the boring-ness. I found out something interesting today, though. I once took a gifted test in third grade because my teacher thought that maybe I was gifted. I was bored out of my mind in class and pretended not to pay attention so I'd be called on. So, I took it and was told that I was smart, but not gifted. Well, I brought that up today in the car in one of my random conversations and my mom told me that I acutally might be gifted. Apparently, there were severe budget cuts, so not many kids could be in the gifted program. That's why even if I were gifted, I wouldn't have been put in. Which leads me to say, I WANT MY @!##!! GIFTED EDUCATION, YOU LYING, BUDGET-CUTTING @#$@!!
*exhales* I feel better. ^^;; Well, I think I'll leave you with a quiz and another mind-bender. =^-^= Oh, yeah, the answer was that he had hiccups. How did you all know that?! I had to look at the answer because I couldn't figure it out. O.o I feel really stupid right now. -.-;;

What geek are you?
Y'know, there are a lot of hentai quiz sites out there. I accidently stumbled on one...with a lot of pop-ups. It didn't say it was hentai until I clicked on it. T-T I'm scarred for life now.
Okay, so on a lawn in, say, Greenland, there is a collection of stuff on the lawn consisting of gloves, a hat, and a scarf. If no one carried them out there and left them on the ground, then how did they get there? And, no, wind wasn't part of it. ^^
"Somebody! Catch that super-deformed general!" -Random guard, Fushigi Yugi.
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