myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Friday, December 19, 2003
Gone with the fruitcake...
Hey there, everyone! Thanks for all the posts! The answer to the riddle was that the stuff was on a snowman. When he melted, all the stuff was left behind. You're all too smart for me. ^^
Anyway, I won't be around for the next few days. I'm going to a birthday party tomorrow and I'll be gone from 8am to about 11pm, so, yeah. Sunday, I'll be at my grandma's house for a Christmas party thing, so I'll be gone from about 9am to about 7-8pm. So, gomen. I also had some Christmasy stuff I made today to put on the site, but my image uploady site is being a formatting pain and keeps reducing my image's size. Royal pain. I'll try to find another one on Monday and hopefully have my site up and Christmasy on Tuesday...maybe.
So how are you going to live without Millennium for a few days? Easy. Read my fanfics. ~.^ Just click on the sledge below to go to it. Enjoy! ^^

Well, that's pretty much everything. I suppose I'll leave you with a pic or something. Sorry for the short post, but I need to go to bed. ^^ Ja ne!

I'd like to apologize for being to darn lazy to upload the pic myself. Thanks inuyashaworld.com!
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