myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Mortal Combat: Millennium vs. Gift-wrapping.
A green-haired otaku stood before a giant pile of oddities, some of which were *definately* not square-shaped. She sighed to herself, wondering how she got roped into this again. She figured after last year's wrapping fiasco, she'd forcefully decline the job. Of course, that never happened. Sighing again, the girl picked up a roll of red-and-green wrapping paper and some heavy industrial tape. "BONZAI!!" she cried, lauching herself into the pile of gifts. Twenty minutes later, the green-haired otaku was strung from the ceiling fan by yards of tape and wrapping paper, rotating slowly. Looking down upon the disaster area that was her bedroom, she felt her blood pressure rise to an almost unbearable level. Bits of wrapping paper were flung everywhere, even stuck to the ceiling, the mattress to her bed was overturned, tape covered every square inch of one part of her floor, and, to top it all off, none of the gifts were wrapped. The girl continued to rotate slowly on the squeaky ceiling fan, wondering what to do next and thinking fitfully of just putting them all in bags this year or, better yet, just sticking a bow on the presents. Right about then, the ceiling gave way, sending the otaku and ceiling fan crashing onto the ground, leaving dust and dirt in their wake. Trapped beneath the rubble of holiday cheer and the ceiling fan, the girl muttered to herself.
"Yeah, most wonderful time of the year. Now get me some eggnog and a flamethrower."
Yet another...slightly embellished account of my struggles with all that holiday jazz. You'll also notice that the site is in a bit of a rut. Sorry about that. Like I said, my image upload-y site is giving me migraines. Oy... It doesn't help that my mom and sister are home all vacation long and happen to be early risers (and quite loud). Meaning, no sleep for the Millennium. Thus, I grump. >.< Aaand I have to clean my room because I think the dustbunnies are coming to life and I have to have my room relatively clean or I grump. Hence, I'm really grumpy and irritable right now. That's why I've been holding off on updating.
Well, not much is going on. Haven't had any possum sightings or anything. Though on the way to my grandma's house, we drove by a skunk on the side of the road and the smell followed us for about fifteen minutes. Eww...
Anyway, thanks if any of you all happened to read or review my fics while I was gone. There were a lot of visitors, but not as many posts, so, I dunno, maybe you wanted to read my fics again or something... You know, while I was wrapping gifts, I wondered something: what is tape made of? I have no idea. For all I know it's made of old pickles and horse hair. Oh, wait...no, that's hot dogs. ^^;;
Well, now that I've entertained you and made you wonder about certain foodstuffs, I'll depart to try to make some improvements on the site. Ja ne!

"Wow, these donuts are good!" -Vash, Trigun.
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