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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

   Hello kids! MillenniumClaus has arrived.

Ho ho ho. Hey there everyone! Thanks as usual for the posts. That's why I keep coming around. ^^ And I'm actually getting more guestbook signings. *throws confetti*

Anyway, not much is going on. I'm in the middle of cleaning my room, but I figured I'd drop in to wish you all a merry Christmas or a nice sixth and seventh night of Hannukah. I probably won't be on tomorrow because I have to wake up (probably really early because my mom won't let my sister start opening stuff until I'm awake ^^;;) and open gifts and stuff, then I have to go to my cousin's house for food and more gift-opening. So, m'yep, busy-ness.

Well, I don't have a gift prepared, but I'll come back with a pic or two for you all. ^^

Merry Christmas!

Here's your present!

I was gonna explode if I didn't put some D.N.Angel on here.

Ah, and here's some Shippo because he's that cute. =^-^=

Well, better get back to my cleaning. *seizes mop*

"There's a pervert in the bathroom!" -Akane, Ranma 1/2.

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