myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Friday, December 26, 2003
Squished orcs and flaming kings, anyone?
Sploosh! Well, I'm back and I had a very good Christmas. I hope you all got a lot of good stuff and may you have room to put it all. ^^ I'm having a bit of trouble with that as of late. Heh. ^^;; Anyway, thanks for all the posts. Eight in two days plus a guestbook signing? Wow. People seem to like me. Dunno why...
I acutally got mangas for Christmas. So, now I don't have to sit in the bookstore and read them all, getting annoyed glares from the store clerks because they know that I'm a poor otaku that will sit there for hours on end reading mangas without the intention of buying them. But, hey, I do buy some manga if I have money. And, of course, this ceremonial practice will continue as long as there are manga that I don't have.
Of course, with Christmas over, I have to help take down all those decorations that I worked so hard to help get up. And I will tell you that it was a bit disheartening when people ripped off the wrapping paper that took ten whole minutes of my life to put on. *sigh* But, that's how it's like every year.
Oh, and I finally saw Return of the King yesterday (hence the subject) and it is one of the best movies I have ever seen. It had such pretty music and even lovelier scenes. Some of my favorites were:
when Pippin sings this really pretty song to the king of Gondor.
when Arwin receives her vision on the way to the boat.
when Aragorn receives his dream of Arwin.
when Aragorn sings.
and when the ship leaves into the sunset.
Hopefully, I didn't spoil anything for you. I tried to write them so if you've seen the movie, you know what I'm talking about, but so that it doesn't spoil the plot for anyone else. I will tell you, though, that it was very exciting and rarely boring despite its length. I highly recommend it.
Anyway, here's a little quiz for you all. Have fun!
 Congratulations! You're Sam!
Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you? brought to you by Quizilla
How'd they know about the insomnia? I thought it was interesting that they put a LOTR character with a personality problem. Hah. I am amused. Now to drink some coffee...
"Time does not heal all. There are wounds too deep for time to heal." -Frodo, Return of the King (I think that's about what he said ^^;;).
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