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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Saturday, August 30, 2003

   On a serious note...

I'm so sick of people being angsty. Boo hoo, my life sucks. TOO BAD! Then there are the suicide threats. Two of my friends have threatened suicide within the past two weeks. Yes, I am going to beat...er...I mean talk some sense into them or tell the school officials if that doesn't work. It's just COME ON! My life isn't all butterflies and Pocky, but I don't threaten suicide every two seconds. Geez! So, I wrote this a few hours ago. Maybe it will help someone.

Why would anyone want to leave this Earth? This world, thought horribly flawed, is beautiful. Seek joy and you will find it. Wallow in sorrow and the world will consume you. Death solves nothing. All the osrrow one must bear wil be born in the next world. Death merely causes sorrow and more agony that the people of this realm do not need. We are put on this Earth to improve our lives and the lives of others. If there were no obsticles, life would be pointless. Joy would be empty from being so easy to attain. One must forge his own joy and peace and spread the bounty to others. Thus, suicide is pointless. It saddens others and the joy once spread from person to person vanishes. Suicide is the coward's way out.

That's only part of what I wrote, but it is the most important part. I like to vent my rage. Hopefully, this helped or will help someone sometime. And remember: Don't hold it all in. Feel free to rant. I like rants. Go ahead. ^^ Vash and I don't like suicide and neither should you!

I am disgruntled.


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