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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Monday, January 19, 2004

Ack! My lettuce is hot!

Konrichiwa, minna-san! Thanks for coming to my little shindig. I'll repay the favor by giving you all the answer and some geek jokes. ^^;;

Anyway, I squiggled onto Yahoo! and searched for Frodo the Angsty Hobbit. Lo and behold they have myotaku account address there! It showed part of Dagger's comment. Eeks! I'm on Yahoo!! O.o To see for yourself, click here! Wow. O.o

Anyspiff, I haven't mentioned the vast amounts of anime I've been consuming recently, so here goes! On Friday, I went to anime club and saw some really spiffy AMVs (anime music videos). I especially liked the Trigun one. I didn't think there could be a serious AMV for Vash, but I was wrong. I also saw my first episode of Full Metal Achlemist(sp?). It was confusing at first, but I started to like it. Spiff! Then, I watched the third episode of Naruto (again) and laughed the spiff right out of me. XD Yesterday, I was bored and I decided to play some .hack//infection and watch the DVD that came with it- .hack//limility. This, too, was confusing, but I started to warm up to it. ^^ All in all, it was a pretty good weekend.

Well, I suppose I'll give you what you've been waiting for. I don't think anyone got all of them right, so I'll post the people who got it right next to the number in purple. Here goes!

[1] What were the names of the two demon-thingies that killed Shippo's father? (Inu-Yasha) Hiten and Manten, also known as the Thunder Brothers! Answered correctly by: Dagger_IX1

[2] What's the Cowboy Bebop ending theme? (Cowboy Bebop) The Real Folk Blues, one of my favorites. ^^ Answered correctly by: chie, Dagger_IX1, rustym

[3] What's the name of Vash's special hidden weapon? (Trigun) Angel Arm! Answered correctly by: Dagger_IX1, rustym

[4] What's Naruto's signature move that causes men to hemhorage from the nose? (Naruto) The Ninja Centerfold (manga) or the Sexy no Jutsu (anime) Answered correctly by: lea2385, JadeLin, chie, rustym

[5] What is the name of Amidamaru's first sword? (Shaman King) Harusame, spring rain! Answered correctly by: JadeLin

[6] Kamui, Kotori, and Fuma are all main characters from which anime? X or X/1999 Answered correctly by: chie, Dagger_IX1

[7] Which character from Megatokyo speaks only in l33t (bonus points if you give an example)? (Megatokyo) Largo! I should have said "main character." Gomen ne! Answered correctly by: lea2385, JadeLin, and rustym (bonus points! ^-^)

[8] What is the name of Fuu's mashin? (Magic Knight Rayearth) Windam! Answered correctly by: chie

[9] What is the fourth ending theme to InuYasha? (InuYasha) Um...I thought it was Grip!, but a lot of people said Every Heart, so I'll accept it because I might be wrong. ^^;; Answered correctly by: Dagger_IX1, chie

[10] What does Chihiro give Haku to heal him after his battle with the flying paper bird-thingies? (Spirited Away) It's the medicine from the river spirit! That black dumpling ball thing. ^^ JadeLin, Dagger_IX1, rustym

Thanks everyone for your participation! I'll try to make you all an icon to commemorate (prolly next weekend ^^). Arigato again!

Well, I'm gonna go. I did finally finish reading MegaTokyo to date, so I'm pretty happpy about that. I might go read a fanfic, but I'm not feeling very well today, so I might just go lay down. See you all next weekend!


"Hope you don't die!" -Genkai, YYH

Oh, I almost forgot those plugs I was supposed to do. Ahem. Visit bgunslinger666 for a battle of the bands tournament! Similarly, Flava's site. He usually has a couple of competitions going. Okay, end plug. Konbanwa!

I also forgot the geek jokes. Here goes!
Oh, uh, I kinda...lost my paper with them on it. ^^;; Gomen nassai! Instead, let's broaden your Japanese tango (vocab.). The word of the day is: Yamate! It means Wait! Okay, well, I'd better go. Ja!

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