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Wednesday, January 28, 2004

National blame other people for your problems day

Well, I'm back and I had a pretty crappy day. You know, the one that starts off really crappy, but gradually gets bearable? That kind. First off, I woke up later than usual and was really tired. Eck. I just wanted to stay home and sleep, but NOOOOO. Then, I went to school. That's pretty bad in and of itself, but even worse was second hour Spanish. *winces* I had to take and article out of a Spanish newspaper and tell that class (in Spanish, of course) about the article. Well, my presentation came and my teacher completely embarrassed me by going into a speech about how if you don't present your ideas clearly, you'll end up getting bad grades and confusing the teacher and blah blah blah. Then, she made reference to the fact that people usually pick hard-to-explain and complicated stuff at the last minute, which was WRONG!! I picked my article on Monday and wrote my speech for it last night, whereas most of the class picked their articles before the tardy bell and wrote their speeches while class was being set up. How unfair was that? At this point, I was really embarassed and holding back tears from the utter embarassment. Then, she decided to slam me on my use of "una" instead of "un," minor, but annoying! AGHH! I would have been so happy to have a bokken (wooden training sword) right then. Really badly. If you want to get down to it, this whole thing was her fault to begin with (hence the national blame others for your problems day). I had to stay after school for her Spanish club meeting, so I didn't get home until 6:30 and I had to do my Spanish article/speech thing. So, it is her fault that I'm bad at Spanish. There. I said it.

Then, of course, we had to go over making our schedules for next year in history class with our guidance coulselor. I'm soo overwhelmed. I'm going into IB (International Baccalaurete World School- offered all around the world and really rigorous) next year and the schedule is DEATH!! I have at least 5 AP (college level) classes and I have to meet specific requirements in my scheduling. Not a lot of options for classes because of the rigid curriculum, but the decisions I do make are really important. Talk about stress! Speaking of stress, I have a ton of projects to do: English essay, English postiche on Julius Caesar (Shakespeare?! Are you mad?!), quote cards for English, Physics projects, and a project for my elective. Eck! @.@

But, I think I've whined enough. It's really not so bad. I'm just grumpy because I'm sleepy. -.- And I still have this @#$!! cough that won't go away! It makes me sound like a dying horse with asthma. Bad. x.x

Well, enjoy national blame others for your problems day. I sure will. Not sure how? Well, I spilled water on myself while trying to drink, so I decided to blame whomever made the ruddy cup for not making it tall enough and spillproof. All their fault I look like a clumsy idiot with my water stain on my shirt. Stupid cup-makers. >.>

On a brighter note, I'll be doing my theme change probably Saturday or Sunday. It'll be cool. Hope you all like it! March's will be the best, though. ^-^ And thanks for all the comments! They really cheered me up. ^^ Yeah, someguy, one of my friends told me that DBZ came from a Japanese (Chinese?) legend about a monkey-boy. Of course, they replaced the old man that wanders around with them with Bulma. For fanservice, of course. Or so I heard. ^^

In conclusion, when burning a Christmas tree, always use a flamethrower and lots of gasoline. ;)


"Teachers are amongst the stupidest people in the nation. I represent- I mean, resent that." -Millennium's history teacher.

"Crap, crap, crappity, crap, crap..." -Naruto, Naruto manga #1.

Stupid fairies! From gpetz.

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