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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Monday, February 2, 2004

Panda racist!

Hey everyone! Sorry I didn't post when I made my site change, but I honestly didn't have any energy left. O.o Hope you like the new colors. I think the only changes I'll make is dyeing the background red and changing my icon. So, that should happen about Friday.

I think my little icon dude says it all. I had one of those days when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed...and step in dog poop. Okay, so I narrowly avoided it, but my entire room smelled bad and I didn't have time to mop my floor (I cleaned up the poop, of course), so my room smells even worse after eight hours. Even worse, I managed to spectacularly fail my Spanish quiz. I mean, it said preterite perfect, so I used the preterite. Wrong. O.o Ah, well. I guess the Buddha just meant for me to learn the perfect tenses by screwing up terribly.

Saturday, however, was a lot of fun. The mall I went to was one of those modern-style malls with all the fountains and upscale stores and healthy food in the food court. It was pretty fun, once I got used to the stiff atmosphere. The only thing was that their bookstore was pathetic in comparison to the mall closer to me. I shudder to think of the manga selection. I did, however, manage to get this little kiddy book that had 500 Japanese words and definitions. My sister got it with her meal and she didn't want it, so now it's mine. Imagine, education in kids' meals. What's the world coming to? Anyway, that's how I know the words for actress and all that. ^^ Don't think too highly of me. ^^;;

Well, I think I'll go finish mopping my room and do some research for my project. Enjoy the Hiei pic!

From: Linkclub.or.jp

P.S. I'm not biased to blue pandas. I just happened to have paper towels with blue pandas on it and went 'Hey! I could use that as a subject!' That's how I got 'Sir, there's a blue panda on your face;' you use paper towels to wipe your face and there just so happen to be blue pandas on them. See? So illogical, it's logical.

P.P.S. Um...wait...I knew there was something else to say... Oh, yeah. I watched the first tape of Orphen yesterday. It's pretty spiffy. I think maybe I should do Full Metal Alchemist and Orphen as future themes. What do you all think?

P.P.P.S. Logrithims make me sing.


"Eternally, eternally to bloom, but not to whither..." -Eternal Flower, Ai Yori Aoshi.

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