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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Wednesday, February 4, 2004

"Fukai, fukai mori..."

Feeling kinda crappy today. Somehow, I manage to take a perfectly good day, filled with free food by the way, and completely screw it up. It's one of my talents, I guess. That and I've been kinda down lately from the fact that I have so much to do and I'm having a bad time all around. Dishwasher's still broken, my mom's car's on the fritz, I'll have to watch my sister next week, really no free time (or at least not enough), my room still smells like dog pee (even though I thouroughly mopped it), and I'm really tired. Not to mention the impending due dates. Can't forget that. But, well, I suppose griping does no good. Makes me feel better, though.

I'm sure that the heart I left behind
still lies hidden in the heart of the deep, deep forest.

Glad you all like the new theme. I was kinda hoping someone would complain about the gay guys in my theme so I could chew them out and relieve some of this stress, but, ah well. Good to know you're all open-minded. Or you ignore me. Whichever. AND IF THESE IDIOTS DON'T QUIT HACKING ME, I'M GONNA SNAP THEIR PENCIL NECKS IN TWO!!

Exhausted, without the strength to search people vanish into the infinite darkness.

Got inducted into a school club last night. It was pretty fun. The band was really good and the ceremony was pretty. I managed not to trip over myself nor light anyone on fire with my candle. The reception was fun (free food!).

If it's so small, I wonder if I can see it even now?

Well, I should go and work on my project. That's kind of the reason I'm on the computer today. Better go then. Hopefully it won't take me too long. Look for an update on Friday! If I'm lucky, I won't be drafted for that volunteer project my mother so generously volunteered me for. I wouldn't mind, but I have soo much to do this weekend. Sayonara, minna-sama!


As we live on,
we lose a little bit more.
Shrouded in falsehoods and lies,
we stand frozen to the spot, unable to cry out

English translation of Fukai Mori from animelyrics.com

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