myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Friday, March 12, 2004
You know when you clean that you'll dig up some old memorabilia, be it that half-eaten sandwich from last August or an old drawing that you're too embarassed to throw away, lest the garbagemen see it. Well, today my mom decided to go on a cleaning spree. So far, she's only managed to clean her room. I, of course, had to help move stuff around (eck, my legs hurt...@.@). Well, she found an old pack of my elementary scribbles. I sat down a flipped through it, curious as to what my teachers said about me in my days of cuteness and stupidity. The comment that kept resounding was that I was a creative and good at working in groups. Now, this is kind of weird for me because I'm not too good with groups as of late. Also, in my random shuffling, I found all those old cards they had us make for our parents and I found the funniest thing. It was a father's day card and it had information like dad's height, what I thought he was good at, etc. One of the parts of the form asked why my dad was so great and I said that 'he knows how to own kids.' XD See? Creativity. I think I meant it as a compliment at the time... Another interesting thing I read was kind of a profile of myself. Once section asked me what I wanted as in a friend and, instead of writing the usual little girl stuff (someone to braid my hair, spite boys with, play with...), I wrote that I wanted a friend to share my troubles with. That struck me as kind of deep for a kindergardener. Shows just how odd a kid I was (and still am ^^;;). I also dug up some old articles that were lying in the giant chest o' death where we keep all our old stuff. I found some old articles with family members. I had no idea that they had an entire article devoted to my uncle in the local paper and that he was once a bad student. I always thought that he was a good student since my mom says I take after him. Weird what you'll find if you look hard enough.
Well, now that you know of the oddness of Millennium, I'm here to say that I haven't even made much headway on the new Offenders, but I'm going to go search for images right after I'm done posting. I just felt like sharing my surprise and craziness with my lovely visitors. Not much else is going on. I managed to get some sleep, so I make a little bit more sense now. Not a whole lot more, but it's an improvement over signing my name oddly at the end of all my comments (Millennium the Angsty?). Don't worry, you all still have the little ball of otaku, randomness, and chaos.
I think I'll go work on the new Offenders so I can get it up a bit later. Ittekimasu!

I just thought that this was kind of spiffy to put up. It's from this really good site called onlineghibli.com.
"I was afraid...I was afraid that I'd lose you." -InuYasha.
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