myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
Watashitachi wa kokku desu!
Well, crap. It seems no one can see the Offenders table. *curses under breath* Sigh, I guess I'm gonna have to find another image server then. It seems the one I'm using keeps crapping out on me. -.-;; Maybe if y'all highlight the web address to my site and hit 'enter' or 'return,' you'll be able to see it. I can, but that might be just because I know it's supposed to be there. Bleargh.
I'm not really in the talking mood today, so I think I'll go read fanfics or find new victims...er...friends on myO.
"Limited time offer for the ladies: Buy one charm at my special price, and your next purchase will be the same price." -Miroku, InuYasha (I had to get this quote from here because I lack creativity at the moment.)

Just felt like some more Spirited Away. Such a good movie.
Hey, guess what. I died three times playing Dark Cloud 2 yesterday! Go me!
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