myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Friday, March 19, 2004
I caught Yuki-sama and Daisuke-kun!
Well, I came back unscathed by the rabid fangirls thanks to this nify SUPER FANGIRL REPELLENT (750 yen, inquire at the service desk)!!! Anyway, thanks for visiting, as always. It really makes my day that much better. Especially since I had killer insomnia last night and didn't fall asleep until 4:30 AM, but woke up at 11:30 AM. So, I'm kinda sleepy. And I slept in the chair in the living room because that's what I do if I have really bad insomnia or I'm sick. Yeah, I had cramps all in my neck and back when I finally awoke. o.O Didn't feel very nice.
But, I got some nifty stuff today that made it all better. ~.^ I went up to the mall and wandered a bit. I bought a DNAngel manga (it's finally out!) and the second Fruits Basket, both of which I have yet to read. Then, I got some coconut pocky, which was part of a two-for-one special, so I got two boxes of coconut pocky for a really cheap price. It's pretty good, but strawberry's still my favourite. :P And I got a few pleasant surprises too. One of my favourite things happened: there was a buy one, get one half off deal with the mangas that I didn't know about, so that was really cool. Aaand the cashier guy was a really cool otaku. He didn't seem to mind my spacy, air-headedness that I acquire once I leave the house and try for some human contact. I think it's the CO2. O.o
I felt like commenting on your comments because I'm crazy like that.
molletta: Yeah, anime men love me. Too bad they aren't real. ^^;;
Mimmi: I won't move you, don't worry. You'll always have a place on my Offenders list. ^^ Yeah, the whole humanity is immature thing is why I don't really go into the outside alot. -.-;;
Rustym: Yeah, I love people of all religions. I just dislike uptight and misguided people. Besides, Spirited Away is from Japan, which has a small minority of Christians anyway, so how can it reflect western society's downward spiral into the sinful pits of hell?
ParanoidPerson: I'm not sure who you mean for me to convince, but I'm sure an electric whip, rope, and a cattle brand will convince them good. XD
Chie: Well, the fangirls didn't get me, so I think I'm okay...for now. That is, until we get into a debate about what exactly that fuzzy apendage that Sesshoumaru carries around actually *is*. I'm glad you like the Offenders table. I'm sure you'll always have a place there, too. ^-^ I don't really believe in witchcraft, but I like to watch magical girl anime and I believe in magic, just not witchcraft itself. You know, I don't think there's a cackling old hag stirring bits of my hair in a cauldron somewhere, casting some sort of curse on me.
masterman: Yeah, I don't think Kurama would gut me if I told him to use less hair gel. I'm a Kurama fangirl anyway. ^^;;
Well, enjoy my quizzes o' doom. That way, I don't have to bother with uploading pictures and doing all that crazy stuff. And they're fun to take, of course. ~.^
"I've been waiting to get you like this for a long time *creepy grin*" -some guy I dubbed 'the rapist,' DNAngel.
 You are an angel of the forest. You love to have a good time and to get in trouble. For you, it's all fun and games. You like to have friends, preferably not human, and can converse with all animals. You love to party, and like to be alone. You are a deep person, but most people miss it. Thinking that you are just childish and young. Which you are not. You are old, and wise, even if nobody can see it. You know what the real world is like, better that your peers. You have a naturally beatiful singing voice, and are a natural with most instruments.
You can often loose your self. But will always find yourself again. For that is just who you are.
Be happy. Never change. Because you are beautiful.
What Type Of Angel Have You Become? brought to you by Quizilla
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