myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Sunday, March 21, 2004
"Be like the squirrel, girl, be like the squirrel."
Well, I'm back from the realm of chaos...with cookies! Anyway, I'm glad for all the comments (even though I can't remember any of them at the moment ^^;;). Sadly, this is my last day of spring break, so there'll be less comments and more stress and overall chaos starting tomorrow. That and I'll be horribly sleepy (eh, I just hope I'll survive the last quarter without getting a detention for "meditating" in class). So, yeah. I didn't get around to making the Offenders tables for the next two themes yet, but I should have them done by next weekend. The only problem is that the version of the Offenders image that I need is fragmented and won't open, so I have to rebuild the Offenders from scratch. >.< Ah, well. Shouldn't take more than an hour or two.
I read the DNAngel manga Friday night and I realised that it's a bit different from the anime. For one thing, Dark isn't in love with Riku in the anime and doesn't turn back into Daisuke when he sees her. But, hey, I love DNAngel (I think the manga's a bit better, but maybe it's because I understand it better). I liked the little story they had at the end which was a teaser of another work the same manga artist had worked on, but not published. They had the same thing in the Rurouni Kenshin manga, but it was the pilot for Rurouni Kenshin. Yeah, Kaoru, Yahiko, and Megumi were all siblings. Creepy. I thought it was kinda creepy in comparison to the actual published version, but it's kinda cool to see how ideas are changed (or butchered) by editors and the artist over time. ^_^ I also read Fruits Basket #2 and met the guy who's possed by my zodiac sign- the rabbit! Of course, he's an...odd...character who's half-German, half-Japanese. Hem... I was hoping it'd be a girl or a bit more bishi at the very least. ^^;;
Since I don't have anything else of importance to say, I think I'll go now. Sayonara, minna-san!
"If something is precious to you, protect it with everything you've got, even at the risk of your own life." -Kaiza (I think), Naruto.

Ooooo Shiney!
What Random Object From Ydoc Nameloc's Room Are You?
Random randomness about Millennium:
I like macaroni and cheese.
I always carry around an umbrella in my schoolbag. It's kinda because I'm too lazy to take it out, but more because it rains on me if I don't.
I have to outright tell people how I'm feeling because, apparently, I don't express a lot of emotion.
I chuckle, but rarely actually roll on the floor laughing.
I can draw faces, but not anything else. ^^;;
I like the little doods in anime: Yugi, Daisuke, Suichi, etc.
I listen to music from lots of places: Britain, America, Canada, and Japan for the most part. Trying to get into more European music.
Somehow, my socks get a lot of holes in them.
I don't really have a favourite colour. It depends on my mood.
My favourite flavour of pocky is strawberry.
I get really freaked out over ghost stories, even when I know they're not true.
I like supagetti!
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