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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Wednesday, September 24, 2003


Do you ever have one of those days when it feels like everything that can go wrong does and even some things you didn't anticipate? Doesn't it feel like you're walking through a minefield of dog crap? Well, I'm covered in crap by this point. This is possibly the worst week I've had in awhile. I had a physics test Tuesday, turned in my lab late, and lost my wallet. And that was just physics class (I did get my wallet back today). There is, of course, the glee that is my two part history test consuming today and tommorrow plus the ultra-evil English vocab test tomorrow. Add a physics project, a potential essay and complete exhaustion and you have my weekend. On top of that, there is no anime club this week. NO ANIME CLUB!! This ought to be illegal. At least there's new Yugioh this weekend and I should be able to borrow Azumanga Daioh for the weekend (if I remember to ask ^^;;). Plus, fall break is in two weeks. One whole week of doing nothing but playing online and watching Inuyasha episodes I've missed. At least, that's what I'm planning. That is, of course, assuming I live until then. Or stay out of jail for murdering my teachers or hiring a hit Junior (I've found some interested ones, though ^^). Well, that's pretty much my pathetic life. I believe I'll go weep now.

Random quotes from weird people:
"Okay, so we're in hell..." -English teacher (referring to Dante's Inferno) Got that right...
"I schooled that test. That paper didn't know what hit it!" -Random friend (referring to our essay test in history).
"We're reading something that will tell us why we're all going to hell..." -English teacher (referring to Dante's Inferno)
"Curse you, Yugi Moto, curse you and your Kuriboh!" -Pegasus, Yu-Gi-Oh! (This just amused me to no end for some reason.)

Thanks for all the posts, guys! I got five !! FIVE!! That's a ton for me. Arigato! I'll try to get my Kenshin picture up this weekend (probably Friday). Love ya muchly!


I can relate. ^^

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