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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

illegally insane

I was wondering about something yesterday: if you're not declared legally insane, then are you illegally insane? And what's the punishment for illegally being insane? I was also wondering how to say 'platinum blood' in Spanish while I was studying in Spanish class. I just thought that'd be a cool title for a fanfic or a poem. I think it's 'la sangre platina,' but I have to look it up. Crud. I was hoping for the easy way out.

"Thundercats, ho!"

It's been okay so far. I mean, going from getting ten to eleven hours of sleep to getting six or so hours is kinda hard, but I'm getting used to it. And it's nice to see my non-internet buddies. Class has been kinda boring, though, but I'm enjoying it because I'll be depressed at the end of the schoolyear because my senior friend is leaving me. T-T I'll also miss everyone over the summer because no one really invites me anywhere, so, yeah.

"I have the power!"

Thanks for all the posts, guys. I really enjoyed them. And, someguy, don't worry. I do this because I want to, not because I have to. I doubt there'll be a mini-riot if I don't change the Offenders image on time. It's really something I do to thank everyone and to accompany my site theme colours. The colours will *definitely* be different, so I *definitely* need a new image. =^-^=


If you're wondering about the quotes between my paragraphs, those random transformation-y quotes. The first is from Thundercats, then He-man, and, of course, Yu-Gi-Oh! I felt like randomly shouting them. So I did. Ha. Well, there really isn't much else to say and I kinda want to read some fanfics before I'm forced to go do some homework. Sayonara, minna!



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