myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Friday, March 26, 2004
Mis caracoles son muy bonitos.
POOF! I appear. Ask and ye shall receive MORE INSANE MILLENNIUM-NESS! Yes, yes, a lack of sleep and too much time to think in school makes me ponder and/or say odd things. My latest phrase to freak people out is "I shall eat you with my mighty spork o' death!" Which is brilliant, if I say so myself. Or I say really out of character things. Oh, before I forget, the title of this post says "My snails are very pretty." Indeed they are. I think I'll add some odd Spanish and Japanese phrases at the end of my post for your enjoyment/use/admiration.
"Call my name," that voice of someone calling
The deep sadness of the darkness
Your pale skin fills me with light
Anyway, besides the slow deterioration of my sanity, not much is really going on here. Just looking up crazy words in my Spanish/English dictionary, procrastinating on homework, sleeping when I'm supposed to be doing my homework, gazing absently at the board during class, and, of course, working on the Offenders table. Oh, and reading some manga. And sleeping. A little. Very little.
Without knowing if it was black or white
I wonder if this type of love is old-fashioned?
For the entire day
We just waited for the sunrise
Thanks a lot for the posts, guys! I got SEVEN, which is pretty good since my average is four. So, woot. On another note, I should have the site change up either Sunday or sometime next weekend. Yeah, I'm really busy tomorrow, so, you know... But, I have the picture for my Offenders and I have my avatar done, so I'm almost done. ~.^ Don't die of suspense, now. ^^;;
Even if you could shatter tomorrow
I won't run from this place
It cures the fatigue of my body
Your smile
Well, that's really it. My mind kinda shut off a few minutes ago, so I don't have any witty remarks or weird observations or anything to contribute to the world right now. There's enough stupidity in it anyway. ^^;;
Lonely heart, feelings beyond my control
It's like a wide hole has opened
Unable to control myself, I became angry at something
Here's the rest of the song I was posting called "Voice" from the Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! anime. It has Japanese lyrics, but I didn't feel like posting them:
"I can't forget that love"
That's what you had said when we first met
Your face hides your true intentions
Is there any redemption for me?
Even if you could shatter tomorrow
I guess that I'd still keep wandering
Loving you, I discovered for the first time,
That fear of losing you
Even if you could shatter tomorrow
Even if I should lose my sight
We'll start walking
In those times, when we were at peace
It's a ghost of you
Random Spanish and Japanese phrases:
Un mono que le gusta pocky vive en mi nariz...A monkey that likes pocky lives in my nose.
Machetate!...Cut yourself with a machete!
Hay un gato enojado en el vater...There's an angry cat in the toilet.
Tengo una gallina de goma y voy a rescatarlo tu gatito del arbol...I have a rubber chicken (well, it's really hen) and I'm going to rescue your cat from the tree.
[now for some Japanese]
Watashi wa gohan desu...I am rice.
Watashitachi wa koinu desu...We are puppies.
Anata wa baka desu ka?...Are you an idiot?
Watashi wa kokoa desu ka?...Am I hot chocolate?
[em...I think I've exhausted my language skills for the day. ^^;;]

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