myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
Sensory overlord.
Well, I'm back and alive, more or less. Seems it was fated that I wouldn't get as much sleep as I needed during the weekend, so I've been wandering around like a zombie, trying to stay awake in Spanish. -.-;; Really tired today because I had to stay up later than I really wanted to finish *coughwritecough* my English essay. Bweh. Also tried to work on the Offenders. Stupid program kept randomly closing without saving. Ah, well. I wasn't really pleased with what I had anyway.
I stayed after school yesterday or I would have posted. I had to go to a really boooring meeting (anime club is waaay more fun), but I got to hang around with my friends and got my aura read. Apparently, I have a blue aura which means that I work hard, but reluctantly so. I guess that true since I'd much rather go sleep right now than post or do homework, but I'm posting anyway because I figured that you'd want to know that I'm still alive and because if I sleep now, I'll be drowsy the rest of the day. At least I have less homework tonight. =^-^= Not much less, but a half hour less is something, though.
I think I'm gonna go and probably read some fanfics to mellow out a bit, then do some devilish homework. Ja ne!
"Joey! Don't cook the candy bars!" "I know what I'm doing, Yug." -Joey and Yugi, Yu-Gi-Oh! (yeah, that's all I could think of off the top of my head...)
I couldn't fit this as an icon, but I thought it was cool anyway. It's from Magical DoReMi.

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