myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Saturday, April 3, 2004
Hey everyone! I finally got around to making the Offenders table. I think it looks rather good. Nice and spring-ish. Thanks for all the posts, everyone. In gratitude, I'll be replying personally to your posts because I got a couple of questions that I feel I, as a dutiful otaku, should answer. :3 I hope you all like the site colours and the theme. I figured that Chobits would be a good spring theme because CLAMP usually colours things very prettily and kind of pastel-ish.
Anyway, to the replies!
Demonsprite: Yeah, you actually do get tax cuts for donating to charities. Kinda cool, huh? Triangles are evil. Actually, geometry in general is evil. O.o Thanks for visiting so much. I'm going to add you as an Offender next weekend (I'm waiting a week to see if any more Offenders surface so I don't have to re-do my image a bagillion times. ^^;;).
rustym: Yeah, I really can't wait for myO 2.0. I like to be able to customize almost everything (I customize my computer's settings all the time ^^).
SomeGuy: There is a cognate for stupid in Spanish: estupido(a). I use that word alot. ^^;;
Mimmi: Go you! Two posts for one entry! I have outstanding outstandingness? That's almost as suprising as being told that I'm a good artist. O.o I'm really glad you like the new layout. Hope you like the new Offenders image. ^-^
CRandomHero: I actually calculated how much sleep I should be getting each week as opposed to how much sleep I'm getting and found that I'm missing out on fifteen hours of sleep a week on average. I do get about 55 hours of sleep a week (including weekends), so I guess I shouldn't complain as much as I do. ^^;; Aww, you know you love Spanish deep down. >.> But, hey, I'm learning Japanese, too, so I deserve some cool points for that.
chie: Ah, false cognates are always funny. I'm glad you liked the old image and I really hope you like the new one! Hope your weekend's going great so far!
dark_sephiroth: Thanks for the FF info. I've got next to no experience with Final Fantasy, but my friends all squeal when they talk about Sephiroth-sama. Yeah, I'm actually rather anti-social outside the internet (heck, even inside the internet I'm a bit wary), but I like people in general. I rather like to chat, but it's really hard to do in a chat room. O.o Thanks for visiting. ^-^
Girsalias: I know. I hate when the subject box cuts me off. >.< It seems like everyone's rather excited about the new version! I'll bet it's gonna be well worth the wait! ^-^ Arigato for the post!
Eck. Imoto-chan is having friends over today. So, yeah, four hours of three screaming seven/eight-year-olds. O.o They're soo loud. Girlish giggling, screaming, loud music, and general chaos. Don't get me wrong, chaos is good, but not their kind of chaos. But, hey, they're leaving in less than half an hour, so the house shall be relatively quiet yet again. And they managed not to pull pranks or disturb me too much (though imoto-chan punched me; I slapped her in the back of the head for her impudence >.>). Other than that, not much is going on. I'm feeling kinda iffy today, but I'm sure some sleep, ramen, and anime could fix it all. ^.^ Anyway, I don't have much to say, but I do have a lot to do. I'll try to zip by your sites today if I can. Ja ne, minna!
"Ha! You fell for our ingenious trap, foolish human!" "You threw me in a sack!" -some random aliens and ZIM, Invader ZIM.

theOtaku.com: What is Your Anime Zodiac?
I'm actually Capricorn in the Western zodiac...

theOtaku.com: What DragonBall Guy Are You?
Box of what?!
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