myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Thursday, April 8, 2004
...I just had to scream. I think the end-of-the-term stress is getting to me. My AP teacher is breathing down our necks and prodding us to study (yeah, as if I can stay awake. I can't even stay awake to take notes from the book). Everyone's tired, there are projects out the yin-yang and finals and the AP exams are looming. O.o Hence, my posts will probably be irreperably frazzled, filled with big and misspelled words, and increasingly random. But, well, that's part of my charm, I guess.
Hey, you all remember my crazy toaster rant last post, right? Well, ironically enough I've found a site with a "news" report about a possessed toaster. Behold! I just thought it was kinda ironic.
Anyway, not much else to say now, especially since I keep getting distracted by sites of nift, so I'll go. Thanks for all the posts, though!
"Kaoru-dono's cooking gets better every day." "I suppose it's an acquired taste." -Kenshin and Sanosuke, Rurouni Kenshin.
It was just so random, I couldn't resist. :3
 Katana, chop enemies down with skill, speed and accuracy. Katana's were made for warriors that wanted to be fast and deadly like samurai warriors. The Katana is very sharp and takes a long time to blunt. (Please Vote)
What sword would you use (info and pics on swords as well) brought to you by Quizilla
Katanas are the best. Buah.
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