myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Saturday, April 10, 2004
Sorry to say, but if you hated my last post, you'll hate this one even more. My luck has, if possible, gotten worse. Nary twenty minutes ago, I tripped over my dad's foot (which, by the way, was sporting a huge boot), nearly fell to my doom (okay, I was just really embarassed), and hurt, of all things, MY PINKY TOE! And I've discovered moldy food twice this week from the same store. Once was a block of cheese with some mysterious white mold and an expiration date of December 26th that haha-chan claimed to have bought a week ago. The other was my meal yesterday of sweet and sour chicken with blue and white mold. I mean, gimme a break! I'm already stressed, I don't need bad luck and moldy food! To make matters worse, I was chatting online with one of my good friends whom I haven't seen in almost a year and I think I said something stupidly insensitive and offended her because she logged off without a word. Even worse, she doesn't get online very often, so it'll be months before I can apologise. Of course, her logging off may have been a computer glitch... Now the computers are against me too. T-T I guess it's raining bad karma for me (good thing I don't have too much of it), which is weird because I usually have relatively good luck. It must be a gypsy curse or something.
"Wusses! Wannabes! You could never do something this low!"
At least there's Easter. That way I get a ton of candy so I can stay up until 3AM doing homework until I crash at 5AM (yeah, when I'm supposed to wake up). Sorry. Not really a ray of sunshine today, considering I was screaming at my ray diagrams earlier today for not being right.
"You're supposed to be at the !#$#@ center of curvature! What the !#$#@% are you doing at the focal point?! I'm your creater, why the @!#$#@$ do you #$#@#! betray me you $%!#$!"
Yeah, I pronounced all the number signs and exclaimation points.
"...some deny you even the right to exist"
Griping aside, thanks for all the posts. It made me feel a bit better (along with some chocolate and an hour out with haha-chan). I'm no longer on the verge of tears or preparing to lock myself in the broom closet for the next three millennia. Maybe only two millennia now. ^^;; Well, sorry I couldn't be more optimistic or cheering or anything. >.> At least enjoy the quiz.

theOtaku.com: What Anime Clover Are You?
"Just try to keep up, dunce."
Quotes in this post are from Naruto (except the rant about ray diagrams ^^;;)
Happy Easter!
Happy Passover!
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