myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos
Friday, April 16, 2004
Hey there everyone! I'm finally back after my spot of bad luck and I'm pleased to say that I'm doing much better. Thanks for all the posts. I've been having computer troubles lately, so sorry for not posting or anything. Sadly, 'computer troubles' translates to my computer crashing from a virus and having to find a way to hook up our other computer to the Internet. So, I lost all my e-mails, pictures, writing, and addresses. *sigh* But, this one is much faster, so I guess it's okay. ^^;;
I had one of the craziest days ever. I staged a sit-in in Spanish. I sat down in the middle of the room before the bell and people just followed suit. My teacher was cool about it and let us sit around on the floor to do work instead of in the desks. Then, for my writing class, some of the students annoyed the teacher enough so that we spent the period outside in the sun. It was kinda crazy. Then, of course, I had anime club and that was fun. I saw this crazy animated short about a piece of depressed and burnt bread called Kagepan. It was insanely random and funny. So, yeah. Highly random/unpredictable day.
I really can't think of anything else to say. Thanks for visitng while I was away, minna. Just wondering, can you all see the avatars because I can't... Erm...I'll catch ya around later.

theOtaku.com: What Anime Rose Are You?
"You must give something of equal value to get something in return. We believed this was the law of the world when we were young." -Al, Full Metal Alchemist.
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