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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Tuesday, April 20, 2004



Yeah, sorry. I felt like screaming that. Did you know that there's actually a point at which you're so tired that you're not tired anymore? Well, there is. I'm very close to that point. Everyone kept asking me if I was okay all day, which I translated to "Millennium, you look like crap." Apparently, I look really out of it and more indifferent than usual. Minimal sleep (and poor at that) will do that to ya. >.> But, hey, at least one of my oratory projects is done. Now all I have to worry about are the ceaseless history notes, an English paper, passing the AP exam, getting all my points for the honour society, the impending doom of a math test (though I loves my sensei for moving it to Thursday. I would have failed it if I took it today. O.o), history tests, and probably other random projects that are bound to pop up. On the bright side, I'm almost done with school for the year, so that's always good (sleep and anime yay! :3) So, don't worry or anything. I'll start posting more during break.

Green tea and meditation...green tea and mediation...green tea and THE BERLIN CRISIS! *compulsive twitching*

Anyway, I had an...interesting day. I got balloons rubbed on my head as part of a physics lab (apparently, it's good at charging particles >.>), nearly walked into a tree, was told that I look terrible by pretty much everyone (possibly complete strangers), and had a group geometry cram session before first hour. So, yeah. Actually, it's surprisingly not that odd...

Pio-pio sounds like a cool name. Like Kagepan's sidekick or a background character in Hello Kitty!

Well, it finally happened. One of our cats had her kittens last night. They're so cute when they're not covered in mucus. Unfortunately, she had them in my bathroom, so I have to use the other one until we can find a safe spot for her (our other female cat doesn't like her and they'll probably get in a ton more fights than usual). I'll try to post a picture when I can get a good look at them. ^^;;

Why is he naked? Are you sure this is a learning tool?

That about covers it. Thanks for all the posts everyone. I'll try to post on Friday or Saturday (depends on how tired I am) with whatever random update I can. I have to go study some history. Sayonara, minna!


"We're like a nucleus of weirdness with normal people floating around us like electrons." -random friend (oh, we'll call him Yuki, even though it doesn't suit him)

theOtaku.com: What Happy Lesson Teacher-Mother Are You?

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