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myOtaku.com: MillenniumChaos

Thursday, October 2, 2003

   Do not question the stupid!

Gooday mates! I'm feeling much better today. I only had a brief headache after seventh period (I think it had something to do with the bus noises and fumes). I'm doing pretty good considering I didn't get a lot of sleep last night (managed to watch Inuyasha, though ^-^). My huge physics project is finally complete and looks spiffy. I also have some really good news: my pastel drawing that I did in art class is going to be in a local art show along with two other people in my class, both of which are my friends. I feel it is quite an honor. ^^ I might tell my parents, but maybe I can pursuade them to go without telling them about it. I want it to be a surprise.

Anyway, on to site-related things. The revamp may start (at its earliest) this weekend, though it is more likely that it will occur after next Friday. Speaking of the revamp, I need a theme. I was thinking of doing some spooky characters from various anime for Halloween and put a spiderweb background on my page. I was leaning toward Boogiepop and Witch Hunter Robin with maybe a deranged yami here and there. Any opinions or requests? I would really like some suggestions. ^^ Also, I've been receiving a lot of requests for html help. With some experimentation, I may be able to put some tutorials over my vacation. Don't worry if you already know html, I'll put a normal post or a quiz after my html tutorial so you don't get bored. ^-^ Any comments on the tutorials or site revamp would be greatly appreciated.

Well, that about covers it. I need to go and memorize my Spanish presentation. >.>


Dance, panda, dance!

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